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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. my sound driver decided to be stupid, so that was a my bad deal.
  2. According to Linsey Weenk's facebook, his Cohen chassis that was under Crusader was officially retired after the wreck at Vegas this year. He will be borrowing NEA's chassis for now but no word yet if the new chassis will be a inhouse or a CRD.
  3. On any other normal day you would be correct. It will probably come across as an excuse but the reason for the jesting was of what day it was. We have done quite a few things over the years, first year we redid the whole site in a My Little Pony theme, the next was that the site was put up for sale and last year was a spoof truck pack update that had irked people. This year was kind of a last minute dealo, the site went down because of the payment needed for site hosting company to pay for the coming month did not occur properly (this has happens numerous times over the year), however it never happens as late as it did yesterday. This thread started a day before and it was too good of a coincidence to pass up. I originally posted on the facebook page for Sim Monsters that someone uploaded a malicious file which intent was to wipe the site clean. Just that alone got quite a few people but then to get the skepticals, there was a few members that rushed to make a free forum site (Sim Monsters II) so we could "rebuild" and this got even more people believing that the whole deal had merrit. The original site went back online and the joke almost completely died. But there was a quick brainstorm, what if we uploaded a file called Guldberg onto the site? Everyone was right back to being confused, what the heck? Where did that Guldberg truck come from? How did he upload it and approve it without a moderator or admin allowing it? Oh my! Really people just need to take a step back for a split second before jumping onto conclusions, do you really think we would allow a malicious file to be uploaded, approved and left up to download? Even as a new member I do not think you need to guess what the answer is for that. But if this instance really bothered you that much to the point you no longer want to visit here, I cannot control that. Reality is you are going to run into malware,spyware, virus or other wonderful stuff on the internet eventually, the more time you spend on it the more your chances increase.
  4. I guess inside jokes make no sense to new users
  5. until we can confirm DO NOT DOWNLOAD ANYTHING
  6. Always nice to see an familiar old name wander back, things have changed pretty drastically in just the past year alone. Hopefully enough for you to stick around a bit more! As for leagues, SSRS is basically the soul predecessor of the Sim Monster's league that used to run.
  7. March 31st at 7:27pm, unless Dough is in a timezone across the world somewhere, this is legit.
  8. Fixed, derped there. That whole deal was a bit of a mess, Wolverine was on Nicole Johnson's chassis, Monster Energy on Leduc's chassis, Hulk on the old Mutt Rotty chassis.
  9. For the future sake of the community and quite possibly the sole answer for world wide peace, this better not be a joke.
  10. Not necessarily a sale but if anyone is looking for chassis work, be it a 100% from the ground up custom chassis or just a simple modification to a pre existing chassis, just message me! (Just a small note, a 100% scratch built chassis done by me starts at $30,000 minimum and go up from there depending on how complex, overall detail and layout wanted).
  11. I do not necessarily care for them either but alot of the songs posted in here have swearing or questionable lyrics. some small town Canadian love here http://youtu.be/U_E1V09TN2g (ignore the backing video)
  12. Kreml drove it over in Europe using was Parnell's old PEI (Superman) And Max-D looks great, except for the shocks being angled, should be straight up and down.
  13. bed needs to be made longer, tailgate should almost be to the wheelie bar.
  14. Halo should be removed from the chassis
  15. Pokemon Red, Missingno /thread
  16. halo needs to be removed for Paukens mutt
  17. One major issue you have there, trucks like Overkill Evolution were released with custom suspension settings and does not use a V4 base Shocks2 line. Just a heads up Name: Kozak Truck: Max-D (Kane) Aim: OutlawedRacing
  18. Honestly I have enjoyed both series (I own Gran Turismo 1-4 and Forza 2-4 and Horizon) and have logged more time then I care to admit on here playing them. If you told me I could only play one or the either for the rest of my life I would be fine with either choice.
  19. Tony Farrell is retired, he came back for a year to fill in as another Legend driver since Ryan Anderson hurt himself on the off season and had to delay SUD's debut. Courtney Jolly is retired and is doing other things now.
  20. Tony reitred GD#12 in proper fashion, he drove the hell out of that thing.
  21. Welcome to the world of heavily detailed trucks, everyone wanted super awesome detail. Even if it meant their computers would not let them use it. And curious but did the truck winning Young Guns this year rustle all you "bandwagon" whiners?
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