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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1190-outlawed-replica-chassis-pack/ Error Log Hotwheels Firestorm -Updated to CRD chassis New Chassis's Bad Habit Grave Digger 30 Grave Digger The Legend
  2. diggy you gotta update the poor girl with some newer models
  3. Funny how the same thing you guys praise Meents and Anderson for doing is a negative for Payne. Sorry but I have a hard time hating on a guy that is not only a skilled driver but genuinely loves driving and is willing to run his equipment into the ground to make sure the however many people in attendance leave the show knowing they spent their money well. I have an easier time disliking on drivers that show up to collect pay and barely run their truck year in and year out.
  4. welcome http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/845-el-toro-loco-black-2013/ http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/351-world-finals-xii-racing-freestyle/
  5. it is all good man, stoked to see the new Avenger chassis I put together appears to fit nicely
  6. \/ To be fair its not a completely custom build like I usually do, I have been having a mental block for a custom one so I went with a Inhouse Digger chassis (Grave Digger 24 to be exact) and have been modifying it.
  7. Rick Swanson had more air then her... It has nothing to do with hate, what happened to the person from the early 2000's? She is not even a threat to win or place high anywhere she goes anymore. Her career has been downward spiralling like an alcoholic at an all inclusive resort. I honestly, from the bottom of my heart, feel bad for her.
  8. his truck is still in Argentina evidently will not be back until mid February
  9. My guess for Adam's flame ball is the rear brake being hot and someone forgetting to purge the propane lines. Also my previous post about the King Krunch new body, well it did not last long
  10. Look up the definition of "parody" rather then get your undies in a twist, the only thing FELD can claim is likeness, all that needs to be done is altering the scheme enough to please FELD and nothing more. lrn2legalitiesbro also it appears king krunch is going to run its old SST body
  11. do not feel bad, I can only do chassis's and basic parts
  12. another photo of houston tampa hotwheels chassis transplant is all finished
  13. actually I think someone made a version of it that has gone unreleased, I will have to check
  14. Sacramento Tampa Outlaw running a different name apparently
  15. http://youtu.be/n1Te-3gZFLI
  16. Bad Habit is a ford explorers saigon shaker is getting close to completion
  17. He used to give quite proper full length directive criticism back in the day. Anyone can point out flaws, truly helpful people will give you what is wrong, suggestions how to fix it and if needed instructional help. All of my modelling advancements have been aided by people willing to give me pointers or 5 minutes of their time to show a better, easier or faster way of doing things.
  18. uh they still use chains to right flipped over monster trucks, they usually have D-rings welded to the cradle or they wrap the chain through the receiver hitch located between the two main rails. The overall designs have not changed much, the only thing new for this year is high front shock towers and more negative camber on the shocks. While I would not claim myself to be the all knowing being for chassis's I kind of built a reputation on being overly obsessed with the tube formations called Monster Truck chassis's.
  19. Think that they missed the memo where Muscle Car's were vehicles that were cheap base cars with the biggest engine stuffed into it. This is neither of those things and the only thing that harkens back to those days is the body but even that does not look right 1/10
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