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Show Your Projects Chapter 12


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A little something special for my 500th post. Been working on this, and yes, I know it is not realistic, but I still like it. If you are wondering what that is on the right, that would be a plane.


In response to Tom's post, a skybox won't add much really. Just put a box around the track, that's all of 8 extra verts.

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Trust me, I wanted to use the skybox. Many people who beta tested said that they like it too, but lag is the one thing that we are trying to reduce because it is being used for KOTH.

lag is a buzzword.

this is me droning on, but.


this is the rocket launcher from TF2. the very first one from 2007, which is actually one of the simpler models in the game.

Now yes, this is also demonstrating LOD, which ROR can do, but only for terrains. but there are 40 player servers for TF2, each with a charicter model running anywhere from 8,442 verts for Demoman, to 4,197 verts for the pyro. times 32, plus weapon models, which range from 7,048 for the machina to 800 for the HHH. most with a LOD model, but nearly half the weapons in TF2 do not have a LOD model, or even a dynamic C_ model, which implicates LOD on it's own.

mix in all the props, level geometry and skybox, and you come to about 3.5 million polys per game (which i clocked myself on 2fort this morning using the dev console and a few commands to give me a total scenecount without LOD)

now yes, source is a better engine and does do optimisation better then ROR, but a truck runs somewhere around 50k verts, even as low as 20k per truck, not including a few delagging tricks i've found. and my skybox was a 20x sphere, runnning in at 300 faces, and if i did a LOD model for all the side fairground stuff for "Lag" purposes, i bet i could get under 100k faces rendered at any time easily with two trucks running.

just for comparison, the Gamecube can do 1.5 million faces on active RAM with textures and LOD optimisation.

so lag should be minded, but not feared.

Also, dalton, have you just put an SM mesh on the Box5 digger? because flexbodies are automatic now.

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Building TRAC Center.

My brother Crushtation is making "Psycho"...

If only I had pics of them

All you do to take pics is hit print screen on your keyboard then open Paint.net or whatever photo program you use and go to paste. If it asks you to expand the canvas click yes to get a larger pic.

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I thought of making a custom avenger here the body is.

skull on the nose is a little off wit the part on the nose. and I think the skull on the door should be a different color, so it stands out a little more.

but all in all a pretty good scheme

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I like it! If he doesn't mind, ask PC if you can have a copy of his new body. it's a lot smoother and not as boxy looking. And I'm with Sidewinder, maybe match the door skull to the colors of the one on the hood and fix the mapping on the hood, and it'll look bad@$$

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i did give it to roach a while ago, he said he could make it a bit better, haven't seen it since then.

Also, give a gander to my initial tutorials, a good OC bake and such will do wonders.

i've also been meaning to upload the painting tutorial, but i realized it was just a video of me painting a truck, without any proper explination of rhyme or reason.

i'll throw together a few templates and do a full up teqnique video as well as a photoshop introduction.

fun fun fun.

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