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Official Monster Truck "Silly Season" Thread 2013


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Anaheim was, well, ok. Throwing the absurdity of my camera being taken away aside, the show turned out alright. What really screwed up the show was the awful judging. Grave Digger should have won easily. Choosing fans as judges is not a safe bet. Don't expect footage from me since I got caught during the Semi Finals.

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Anaheim was, well, ok. Throwing the absurdity of my camera being taken away aside, the show turned out alright. What really screwed up the show was the awful judging. Grave Digger should have won easily. Choosing fans as judges is not a safe bet. Don't expect footage from me since I got caught during the Semi Finals.


i thought they were onto downright encouraging cameras nowadays, what happened?


Also Georgie porgie pie's new cohen seems to be handling pretty well, if a touch loose. shame it castrates his ability to do wheelies though

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The security told me a number of things. If I'm using something specifically meant for taking video it's banned, but if it's something like an iPhone which has other features, it won't matter. You can record video on just about anything, so why not just say no video? They're going to fail their job anyway because there has to be at least a few dozen videos in HD of the show on YouTube now.

They also told me that if it's hd rather than lower quality, that's not allowed either. I guess if I recorded with a waffle that had multiple uses other than just recording, then I'd be alright. I told them to just take all electronics at the door then. You can't argue with stupid people.

That rule actually applies to the stadium itself so that's why they enforced it. It's still completely absurd on a million levels.

Sorry for the long post. This ended up being more of a rant than a reply.

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The no recording of the show rule is quite absurd. For many people it might be there first monster jam or even there last and they would want to capture these memories and by taking that away from them its like saying "oh forget you and your sentimental values" if you dont want people recording the event then ban ALL recording devices which is hard in itself to do because of the technology we have today but I mainly think its feld tht wants this taken away because if people are recording the events and posting them on youtube then wats the point of watching it on TV anyway

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A few things.


Is it me...or was Balhans run pretty generic. I didn't see anything over the top that really deserved a win..but that may just be me.


Hey Buetow still doesn't know how to shift!


Kreg and Linsey had some really good runs. High momentum, good flow.


Dennis seems to be doing a bit more of air-braking now. Other than that...normal Dennis.

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Great run from Neil Elliot with a blistering save.



Also, I talked with Jeremy Slifko a little while back and he said he wants this new Backdraft to be the benchmark of the industry, basically the next Son Uva Digger. So that's saying something right there.

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