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This Needs To Stop

Mark Colineri

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I see this going on way too much on the public server, and sometimes even on here. People being disrespectful to other community members with no regard to what they have to deal with or what they are going through. I see this too much...and it really hits me hard because as a matter of fact, it happens to me too. I am using myself as an example because I do not want to put anyone on the spot. I do what I can for the community, try to help out anywhere I can, but still get people talking crap about me in the servers. Nobody but the people I talk to regularly(you know who you are) know what I am truly going through and have to deal with on a day to day basis. I see way too many people doing this to others without the thought that maybe they come on here for some relief from what is going on in their lives, yet some just make it worse.


Admins, you can lock this, delete this, do whatever you have to do. I just had to make this clear because it not only effects me in a big way, but it effects many others as well.

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I know exactly how you feel Mark, I went through all the same BS back in the MTM2 days and apparently some people still can't get over themselves from back then when we were all just ignorant kids who didn't know what the hell we were doing, it's also one of the main reasons before all the stuff with my old computer and internet I wasn't hanging around SM or ROR in general. Sometimes we don't think before we speak (or type in most of these cases)...I don't care who you are and what you say but we're all guilty of doing this more then any of us will admit it. We just need to realize that for some a peaceful place with games can be an escape from something eating away at us. One of the reasons I usually talk to the same people on AIM, Skype, Facebook, etc is because I've known them long enough to when when their just screwing around and serious....I don't know everyone else on here that well but I always found it rather low when if something happened in an event or I wrote something stupid in a chat pretty much everyone was against me (some of you still are) when I probably can't even remember all of your names.


I think I've said enough and I'm sure some (or several) will continue giving me crap over the past which is fine because I honestly stopped caring what people say about me or try to bring my mood down to make themselves better a long time ago. Your true friend and in some cases family are who you surround yourself with, not who you're related to through blood or marriage. Last thing I can think to add is think before you speak, you never know who or how you might help someone.

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I am a huge offender and I get into a lot of fights. Usually I don't start them though. I'm regularly called every derogatory term under the sun. I've had to change my name on CIFPO more than once, but I still enjoy playing on there. If you are so offended by the people that talk crap about you, go after them. It is a public server that SM does not own or control, so unless you talk to admins for CIFPO, it won't change anything.

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I am a huge offender and I get into a lot of fights. Usually I don't start them though. I'm regularly called every derogatory term under the sun. I've had to change my name on CIFPO more than once, but I still enjoy playing on there. If you are so offended by the people that talk crap about you, go after them. It is a public server that SM does not own or control, so unless you talk to admins for CIFPO, it won't change anything.


Going to assume you're female since your profile doesn't say and I haven't been following much on here lately but that is one of the many reasons why there are pretty much no female racers here, they don't know how to react...of course you could always be a guy trolling everyone (use that for your next cifpo encounter. Far as the public server bit though that is the #1 reason you won't ever knowingly find me playing on those (though more its due to a slow computer & internet now) but I always used an alias for those servers.

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