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Fun Run TODAY: San Antonio 2013 - 2 Shows - 5:15 PM EST

Preston Pérez

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Welcome: Hey guys! I'm a little bored and have some time on my hands. I thought I'd start a last minute fun run a few hours before RoR-MTP so you guys could warm-up. There is going to be 2 SHOWS! Yup, just like the real San Antonio show. So if you lose racing and freestyle the first time, you'll have a second chance in show 2. These shows are back to back and will only be racing and freestyle. There will be randomized brackets just for the sake of time. With that said, sign-up! There is no limit to how many may participate!


Event Times: AIM chat opens @ 5:00 PM EST, Event starts @ 5:15 PM EST.



If you only want to do one event, you may. But it is strongly encouraged that you do both.

You may sign-up with any truck you please as long as you have permission to use a custom truck that is not yours.

If you are not signed up here by 4:50 PM EST, you will NOT be allowed to participate.


Track Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/h90ozi8rz83zbmh/SA2013fps.zip


Track X:

The track will be standard So-Cal style racing. You will go through the inside, then the outside of the fun box.




Name: Preston Perez

AIM: prestonsperez@live.com

Truck: Doom's Day

Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/xb4ys1x4a7ickrs/NEA%26Doomsday.zip (if add-on)


Field of Trucks:


01. Doom's Day - Preston Perez

02. Crushstation - Antonio Rubal

03. Grave Digger - Blake Thompson

04. Scooby-Doo! - Will Meyer

05. General Tire - Dalton Widner

06. Son-uva Digger - Daniel Simon

07. U.S. Air Force Afterburner - Fernando Martinez

08. Mopar TT - Jon Cannon

09. Zombie - Mike Elmendorf

10. Outback Thunda - Dominic Hocutt

11. Monster Energy - Julio Vellon Jr.

12. El Toro Loco (Black) - Jonathan Soto

13. New Earth Authority - Seth Holloway

14. Overload - Zach Nicholas

15. Max-D Maximum Destruction - Connor Richardson

16. Grave Digger the Legend - Tyler May

17. Wrecking Crew - Devin Doss

18. Lucas Oil Equalizer - Aaron Lurie

19. Predator - Marcus Santana

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