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leggster last won the day on July 24 2018

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  1. Long time no see fellas. Trying to get back into the swing of things, I have no clue what version of ror you guys use these days or anything lol. https://imgur.com/35ZEZzX
  2. Any possibility someone could send me a g27 map? I used mark's for the longest time and for some reason it doesn't seem to work right. Anyone know why that is? It seems my break is my steering and the steering does nothing
  3. I agree with this... I've grown up a racer and never do i show up at a racetrack to run anything other than first.. We gets paid to win races, but its also not very hard to fake a smile and sign your name to be some kids hero for a brief moment..
  4. I made it probably 20 minutes into the SUV before i rage quit. So props to you man!
  5. 38 is pretty stout for a motor. Steve Schmidt has a blown 540 for around 31. Not sure what changes would need to be made in order for the motor to run as long and as hard as the monster jam guys do, considering Schmidt is a drag racing engine builder.
  6. I've actually been looking into stuff like this, I have yet to find out where to buy/prices on some CRD parts such as champagnes and some knuckles and planets etc.
  7. Easy way of finding a flame chassis is the custom / star plate thats between the 4 link bars!
  8. I don't know what color code you used on that orange but it's sexy..
  9. Thank ya, the truck was actually retired in 2016 which is why it has BKT's!!
  10. So you're nagging on me for making my truck the EXACT same way everyone else makes theirs??
  11. Read the credits.... Kozak made the chassis, chris made the paint, Not 100% sure who made the body, this truck isn't "thrown" together...
  12. The corner where the extended cab and bed meet, yes. Now the lexan is a different story, I had originally planned on having a bodyless truck so i decided to make the lexan a separate mesh so i wouldn't have to re export the truck because it takes so long, and when i dropped ride heights it must have messed up, will get it fixed when i can.
  13. This is the new f150 body and a chassis put together in blender by kozak and parts assembled to the chassis by me... What are you trying to say here??
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Credits Me: Prop Placement, Blender Work, Specs Chris: Body and Paint Outlawed: Chassis Fern: Engine, Radiator and Fans, Fuel Cell, Axle, Drive Shaft, Sway Bars and Links John Dough: Tires Rest to the fine SM Community
  15. It looks like the bedsides are the normal length, but the wheel openings need to be cut back a tad bit more.
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