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Everything posted by ACDCFAN2828

  1. Where did you get those ramps and props? I know where to get the cars but where did you get the other stuff?
    Thank you for making this! Its my hometown!
  2. Full Name: Dylan PereiraTruck: MountaineerHometown: Montreal, QCDiscord Name: Dylan Pereira#6553Years in Competition: 6
  3. Full Name: Dylan Pereira Truck: Mountaineer Hometown: Montreal, QC Discord Name: Dylan Pereira#6553 Years in Competition: 6
  4. Full Name: Dylan Pereira Truck: Blue Thunder (2004) Hometown: Montreal, QC Discord Name: Dylan Pereira#6553 Years in Competition: 6
  5. Yes finally some more European tracks!!
  6. would love to have more 2010 tracks but bristol 2019 would be cool
  7. Track Name: Montreal 2014 Replica or custom: Replica Racing style: Chicago style Date ran: April 26, 2014 https://www.google.com/search?biw=1366&bih=663&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNSUk73BhebW9vNF0PeOeoTQWLEUMA%3A1569348649445&sa=1&ei=KVyKXfzlGsaxgge8t7-AAw&q=monster+spectacular+montreal+2008&oq=monster+spectacular+montreal+2008&gs_l=img.3...18784.19225..19384...0.0..
  8. Track Name: Pontiac Silverdome 2010 Replica or Custom: Replica Racing Style: Chicago Date Ran: March 12, 2010 (I think) https://www.google.com/search?q=monster+trucks+pontiac+2010&sxsrf=ACYBGNSw3zwUu1WSO5C0tHQPkV8AeKt2UA:1569292245342&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiU-9OWtejkAhUBTN8KHf0OBREQ_AUIEigB&cshid=1569292451166418&biw=1366&bih=614#imgrc=vqOJX5gnnTEz6M:
  9. Name: Iron Man Replica or custom: Repli-custom Chassis: CRD or PEI
  10. okay cause every time I extract a truck file to change something on it the bkt tires become all black in game
  11. is that for 0.4? Cause I know how to do it on 0.39.
  12. I tried changing tires in 0.4 the same way you do in 0.39 but it did work at all. If anyone knows that'd be great!
  13. is that track gonna be released?
  14. Can anyone help me out with this problem I've been having recently? All my trucks I have in the game where working fine. Then recently I would try to load one (it only happens to a few) and they crash. I use 4.8.
  15. which version of orlando and is it gonna be on 4.8? and to run a fun run you have to go under the leagues directory or fun runs to hold events.
  16. I just ran a pass right now and no time showed on the corner of my screen
  17. is there a way to see the time you got and the lights don't turn on for me.
  18. ya and if someone can help me make a discord link that'd be great!
  19. Track: Monster Spectacular Montreal 2019 Venue: Olympic Stadium Date: April 6, 2019 Racing Style: J Hook https://ca.images.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=AwrDQqt7xeVcZVEA_wAXFwx.;_ylu=X3oDMTB0N2Noc21lBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNwaXZz?p=monster+spectacular+montreal+2019&type=c11092010f8e33c0a0c4cf61f29&hspart=shnl&hsimp=yhs-001&param1=CH&param2=DS&param3=28666&param4=gg3Q7gZBKJe4eGNInouHFqUAylF4ryX6awHjPZEfo7jHDQoocuxD%2FmuiVq4zh51LNmvBKPxgDGzTNkrQTX6YfyzthVVn4d%2F5HXmNMDGg%2BTKPXjOokqDonB0w4rOf3be%2Bw9c1UxLVxxoDWVehCUrDhExchgbAL36fa%2Fjjqn4ji8DXkViQLJbaAkL8mzRdXO%2FYyXTHPFU3%2Br8aRmihmQeNY1vQK7OhtYz33C%2F9xI%2FG1dxpUhGrgyAQGyAMNDcOAWqf8V8HBTNCyFGWH4NjKOkig%2FkDqcm52WVvbyk3WOk9uu9dVZnjiAdOAXEAjaoSRDpyE%2BjymO2kr00crdGaIWjnMjkkdoW9iwP%2BiO10%2FPzUu1gUqC0N9MzHTNn%2Bp2q3thQ5FXJX483QCSfqHOI8J0ODJVP%2BXyZLdo8TVflqvWO%2BHvP1mvbq%2F9YTe4XUnJUq3JwLzPebiAgevAscuPlgwdVXYtbMKmY%2FJ%2BcLlshlLLmEGLtRX08MfgRcteScp%2B%2BQza68e1nFkv%2FnRGhC7AzGti59tJDilfnSyvzGzzuG9%2BzQVQjkYWA47YxV2rx8L%2BSYSvNWVUFxdLYTuMorZ%2FnmJOuHONt07IKb7nPfOzSDc3XXoGdiU26ByKJWknaPjHUKfwiXwtCudl6Nt%2BJDbLQDS%2FUrqRZKT3BEwpIKMGWQAqDY4bTaJJ6D7oqNX4I2juRMf6i%2BdHdt8ymjSqNAIBHjaJaAYKfunndbN4BV%2B8dtuyEzODOS5XnHk3qSWVO%2BB4OiZcK%2B&ei=UTF-8&fr=yhs-shnl-001#id=17&iurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.forgetthebox.net%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F04%2Fmonster-spectacular.jpg&action=click
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