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JJfan48 last won the day on August 14 2012

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About JJfan48

  • Birthday 05/16/1997

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    NASCAR, Rockstar Energy, NASCAR, Monster Jam, NASCAR, Monster X Tour, NASCAR, Racing Simulators, NASCAR, Jimmie Johnson, Tom Meents, Sam Boyd Stadium, and NASCAR

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  1. Exactly how do I get the trucks to work, is the entire pack of trucks working, just drop it in the packs folder or are the only the trucks in the .4 download area able to work in this version of the game, I have not had RoR in years and figured to come back and try it again on my new gaming computer. Thanks in advance, sorry if its a stupid question. Nice to see this place is still up and running.
  2. I have one and have a league in the set up http://members.iracing.com/membersite/member/LeagueView.do?league=1236 ARCA style with generation 4, the league starts in a month.
  3. My hometown track! Shame they canceled this event and not the Save Mart Center
  4. I am, sorry for the super late reply...anyways...after some drama with the team *cough no payments, cheated a contract and with held promises cough cough*...should get that cough checked out... [ LONG story short this my scheme copied by an artist they wont give the name to. So he's enjoying my credit... This is a denied scheme from last year that I sent with 3 others. The "artist" copied over the scheme. Yes its Davey Allison's scheme but when I re-created it I drew the lines to certain spots to tell my work from others. For one you'll notice the roof doesn't have the gold strip and doesnt fit the body and A-Pillar correctly, the JGL Racing logo on the rear fender on the back panel view. Copy and paste work from my own layouts. Biggest giveaway is the logo which I did approve of...however the scheme was given away as I had the color combo on that logo on my own render. Note to self, dont send cars print ready unless they are approved...graphic design is the worst to do sometimes. NASCAR is like a government
  5. Sorry to bump but I wanted to come out of hiding and add my two cents onto this. I think in 2011 I helped with the testing of the game. On facebook they ran a contest and the winners became official beta testers of the game. They said the names would be in the final game which was planned to be a huge PC monster truck game with wheel compatibility and realistic physics as to like the game rigs of rods thanks none other but this community. Being it wasn't a large group at the time, it was easy to climb up and make sure I had a spot in the top 10 to get my copy, one catch was to review the game on their forum to continue receiving updates. 2 people did... I finished 2nd out of the 500 something that entered the beta contest and me and some other guy had the chance to review the game. At the time I had the game on my old dell inspiron with a nvidia geforce 6400...yeah...old school...the graphics haven't changed since early testing (which only ran through 3 versions) However I will say that they absolutely killed the game! Before in the testing days you spawned in the middle of a stadium that much resembled Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego, your truck was a blank grey ford, cars were crushable, the body was had a decent damage model, the physics were okay but still the most realistic of a game released at the time. In the beta versions you had many camera options like in the full version except for one, free roam. Another key aspect they drained out was the fact that you slider option menu to tweak the truck and world physics. This ranged from the damage model and how hard it was for the truck to receive damage. You could also adjust the gravity, the trucks weight, how the shocks, springs, and everything worked (except the power of the engine). The height and center of gravity of the truck, camera height in the roosterpit. It was a brilliant aspect for the simulation part of the game. On their facebook there are early screenshots of the more "monster jam" set up they had in mind with the more realistic stadiums that they had built. Here is the major let down folks. In the end it was suppose to be a PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 Monster Truck simulation. You started with a low end truck competing in fair grounds, you built it up to handle the bigger venues with the higher jumps and expectations of freestyle, and be fast enough to qualify for racing. Throughout the game you could always modify the physics and even paint your own truck by importing a .tga version into the game. They had a database set up momentarily to upload your truck for others to use, you could see the truck in a unity 3D model and rate and comment and download the schemes to your game (PC only). Great hopes, great expectations. My noted issues to them before they could start making the gameplay versions: crushcars ate the trucks when they were crushed to the ground, once the truck was out of the play area you couldn't reset the truck, force restart. Then came along the Monster X Tour sponsorship...and they wanted it to be a mobile game to compete with Monster Jam's console game...woooo...there go the hopes and dreams of a Monster Truck game that could be remotely realistic. Better yet Monster Jam would compete with this game by making a mobile game instead of a console game...woooo. Took away the custom trucks, lied about the contests they stated and had made, and turned the game into something completely different. So...they took their PC game, stopped all testing immediately, patched it up, asked no questions to the fanbase and redesigned the stadiums to be like the ones in Monster Jam games, easy for huge air, insanely unrealistic, and worst of all...mobile transactions... PC/Console Simulation > Mobile Game > PC Mobile Port Oh and...of course...our names are not in the credits, despite the countless hours we played...giving huge long feedbacks and videos of the incidents and recommendations to advance the game, hell we gave the garage idea...no proof of anything now, they took down the forums and deleted our accounts with the MXT Sponsorship. OddGames has dirty people running the place. Its sad though, it had major potential at the start, it could have been MTM3, who knows. Wish I still had my old copy of the game, I'd upload it here for everyone to play and see how it was. Seriously had such great potential.
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