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Everything posted by JackMProductions

  1. An old video that I thought should have gotten more recognition. Or maybe I'm just being narcissistic.
  2. When threads are dead, let them be dead. We've already got a thread for this stuff.
  3. I seriously doubt this year's course will be much different than last year's. Monster Jam isnt one for their variety.
  4. Whenever I see a show with SoCal style, the races are hardly even. The drivers seem to struggle much more with SoCal style and it seems if you mess up once, it's over. It's a cool design, but the drivers seem to struggle much more when I see it.
  5. That is a monster curve compared to reality.
  6. If you have Grave Digger or someone else who's extremely popular go early, most people will leave after he goes since it's most likely that they came to see him and don't care as much about the other trucks. Besides, why not save the best for last? If someone like one of the Andersons or Meents goes out there and gets a 40 something, the rest of the show will be hardly worth it for everyone else. I understand that's was the case for the last two years, but put the best guys out last. Or put Cam out near the end if that's the issue.
  7. That's probably because they either a. only know one of his songs and that wasn't it, or b. thought it was just some girl pop singer.
  8. I'm not so sure about that. That's pretty extreme considering how hideously ugly Zombie is.
  9. You know, for a while I sorta forgot why Maximum Destruction was my favorite. I remember now.
  10. Words are being thrown at me and I don't know what they mean.
  11. BTW, Fun Run wins don't count as actual championships. Hate to break it to you but you're not a 48 time champion. (Not directed torwards anybody in particular. btw 316th post and that's the bottom line)
  12. The security told me a number of things. If I'm using something specifically meant for taking video it's banned, but if it's something like an iPhone which has other features, it won't matter. You can record video on just about anything, so why not just say no video? They're going to fail their job anyway because there has to be at least a few dozen videos in HD of the show on YouTube now. They also told me that if it's hd rather than lower quality, that's not allowed either. I guess if I recorded with a waffle that had multiple uses other than just recording, then I'd be alright. I told them to just take all electronics at the door then. You can't argue with stupid people. That rule actually applies to the stadium itself so that's why they enforced it. It's still completely absurd on a million levels. Sorry for the long post. This ended up being more of a rant than a reply.
  13. Anaheim was, well, ok. Throwing the absurdity of my camera being taken away aside, the show turned out alright. What really screwed up the show was the awful judging. Grave Digger should have won easily. Choosing fans as judges is not a safe bet. Don't expect footage from me since I got caught during the Semi Finals.
  14. What about every time a monster truck comes on Dumbest Stuff on Wheels? They just round up a bunch of D grade comedians to make unfunny jokes.
  15. Eh. It's not so bad. Like a combination of Tailgator and Jurassic Attack.
  16. Watching that video is like watching a really fat person roll over a jet ski going 0 mph. It takes a while to happen, but there is no preventing it and there is lots of shame.
  17. I know the 2012 season is pretty far from relevant now, but I put together a compilation of the 4 shows I went to last year. I haven't made one of these in a while, but I think it's alright. I'd watch it if I were you.
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