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Everything posted by crazyman444

  1. Version .37.126, that is the version of ror used to race, the server is privately hosted, for the races. And I believe rornet 2.34 is the version of the servers. I am not sure of the version in .37.99. I don't have a link to 37.126 so some else that know it can post.
  2. The drivers of these trucks at least I think these are the right ones, Casey can correct me if I'm wrong somewhere. 1 * Josh Rhodes 2 * Ryan McCauley 3 * Michael Murray 4 * cman23 5 * Danny Maass 6 * Casey Graves 7 * Mike Elmendorf 8 * Andrew Field 9 * Steve Harlow 10 * Jordan Robson 11 * Eric Myers 12 * Tweak Posted for RKM
  3. And I quote "This mod was designed for .37.126 if you are running a newer version there may be problems."
  4. Very nice job roach. Have to say that looks pretty sweet.
  5. Looks pretty cool, although the spikes look a little vert heavy, which can have a bad affect on some.
  6. As much as breakables are fun, people would just try to destroy the truck on purpose for no reason in events, which IMO would ruin it.
  7. You use a program called the Editorizer, you can get it here http://www.rigsofrods.com/wiki/pages/Editorizer but basically you place nodes, and then assign the beams to the node and making sure you "x" in a squares. Can be tricky at first. It is pretty much like line segments in geometry 2 dots with a line in between. Then for meshes you use a 3 point placement, 3 nodes, first one being the one the mesh connects to the other a x and y. If you want to give it a shot or have questions my AIM is crazymanmur444
  8. Still a work in progress, scratch built node beams, Bigfoot 4 (outlawed's truck from mtm2) and Grave Digger 1
  9. Grew up listening to these songs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI8xrnOrftM
  10. Got to browsing the Monster Jam website and noticed they posted it. July 22-24, 2011 Truck Line Up Grave Digger - Gary Porter Spiderman Monster Mutt Dalmatian Iron Man - Lee O'Donnell Black Stallion Iron Warrior Gunslinger Not as bad as I thought considering Cincinnati, OH is the same weekend.
  11. I am not totally sure but if that is the first show in Baltimore then it is possible you will see Dennis. But back on topic, ill try and see if i can make it to pilly, be my first trip to a stadium show ever. Only ever been to a outdoor speedway.
  12. Grave Digger has been taken already, that is the only person that could drive the 25th truck.
  13. If you read the first page post which you should do, max-d has been taken.
  14. Hey welcome to the forums Hope you enjoy you time here.
  15. Just goofing around in the backyard.
  16. lol it might, i think California has tough truck events that basically pre-runners run in.
  17. Well some here know that I run tough trucks at my local show, Started back in 2008 after staring out the window at my dads old 1985 Chevy just sitting there rotting away, and I stated to my father "you think we can make tough trucks" And we got right to work, a month before the show. Having to piece the truck back together after me and a friend stripped it. So after finishing the truck the week of the event, the adrenaline of what was to come started to set in. But on arriving at the show the nerves kicked in around the time we got lined up. That green light changed the story as i snapped of the line and went for broke manged to finish my run at though not any where near the top I was happy. And the nice thing was a friend was in the stands and got some neat pictures. Second year was mainly bad luck, and didn't go well. Slid into the guard rail trying to make the turn, busted up the radiator, fenders and hood pretty good. Third year is by far my best year so far, finishing i think top 10 outta 28 trucks, missing the show by 2 spots and on Sunday missed the show by 1 spot. Finishing 9th. Everybody struggle in that turn on Friday. Someone happen to video some of the street warriors. So I asked for the video of my run. So going on my 4th year, the truck has been getting some upgrades.
  18. You can message me on AIM crazymanmur444, I can answer questions there for ya. Also there is a guide in the tutorial section.
  19. This event is pending a date from what I understand(Casey correct me if i am wrong). When the track is ready it will be released, normally day of the event on here. Edit: NVM Casey ya beat me to the post
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