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Sergeant Politeness

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Everything posted by Sergeant Politeness

  1. Well that's a bummer, so used to 16 and now they're cutting down. FELD is making some really weird decisions this season and I'm not a fan of most of them.
  2. Well since you eliminated the year I went (2011) which... biased as hell... is my favorite year, I'll say either 2002 or 2008 were the best years. Full ranking based on personal opinion plus score out of 10 World Finals 9 (10/10) World Finals 3 (9/10) World Finals 7 (8.5/10) World Finals 8 (8/10) World Finals 6 (7/10) World Finals 1 (6.5/10) World Finals 4 (6/10) World Finals 2 (5.5/10) World Finals 10 (5/10) World Finals 5 (5/10) World Finals 11 (4/10)
  3. Interesting to see two big West Coast teams in ATL this year, that will be fun!
  4. It's not what yalls schedule will be next year is it? Because that was already given away on the Facebook page
  5. True, and I figured that two more FELD trucks need to be announced for FS1 East and one more for FS1 West to make 16
  6. Anyone know if the stadium lineups are 14 trucks this year instead of 16 or if they're just waiting on announcements?
  7. Noice! Figured he'd be driving one of the tours, can't wait to see him in March
  8. Also Monster Jam tonight looks REALLY empty. Like... maybe 50% of the stadium is full. I dunno if it was lack of promotion or what, but I've noticed less and less people going to shows as of the last year. Seems they're losing some real steam as far as ticket sales EDIT: Oh yeah, they really didn't promote. Look on Instagram to tonight compared to this. If Monster Jam wants more later year shows they have got to start promoting more because Nashville, Glendale 2 and tonight have had abysmal crowd turnouts. Maybe it's just a weening period for new shows, but honestly if there's not a solid ground then is it worth the money to rent it out? Especially since these massive gaps means the dirt isn't stored there like for Houston or Anaheim (I think... someone from Cali verify that)
  9. It kind of looks stiff in that pic, I'm hoping that doesnt mean it bounces around and rolls easily. At least he's getting some shows in it down before 2017
  10. Looking at Instagram St Louis is Chicago Style, the first American stadium using Chicago Style since Syracuse 2015. Holy god FELD has made me miss Chicago Style
  11. Really? Well I guess that makes sense seeing as FELD I'm sure is going to turn all arenas into the Amsoil Tour stuff, which as of now includes all Noreast shows.
  12. You know what that means... Racesource Monster Patrol! They look amazing!
  13. So let's see which drivers from FELD we don't know about as of yet (unless I missed something): Chad Tingler Scott Liddycoat Steven Sims Frank Krmel Marc McDonald I've also yet to see David Smith or Greg Wichenbach in any lineups
  14. Also I know youre new but... try to minimize four posts of rambling
  15. Well yeah Soaring Eagle will win, it's by far theyre biggest event. Plymouth Indiana is second for me though because Im a sucker for fountain jumps
  16. Honestly the Ecoworks were great performance tires but kept loveing up stadium floors. Damn shame, I miss them
  17. Pretty sure he meant the Wrecking Crew chassis that was the OG Avenger
  18. Bought a bunch of poo from Steam, they got some amazing sales this year
  19. On the track: Son Uva Digger debut Off the track: Talking to John Seasock for 30 minutes and getting to sit in Blue Thunder at Monsters on Mainstreet 06
  20. Only thing is Family Events show have gotten unbelievably stale. It's just Hall v. Foot + one or two other indies at the same midwest venues + Bloomsburg year in year out like clockwork
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