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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. but what about that problem they were having? You know, with the all of it part. anyway, thank you based ethan for painting the fur on mutt Brutus to come soon you'd better click that
  2. it requires open GL, but i'm pretty sure every computer has that, so idunno
  3. well I don't want to seem like an attention fueled egotistical, manic extrovert, but where i'd get 20 upvotes on a model alone, now a model with a texture gets like three. What happened? Ever since El Toro i've been getting really good at this stuff, and i'm just confused. It seems to me that it's the p3d viewer, anything posted with it gets no upvotes. Is it not working for a majority of people? i don't get it
  4. the fuzzy brutus was a different mould. I'll do that later also does nobody click on the P3d things? It's barely got any views at all
  5. So what happened to that "The fonts used on real trucks" thread? i've just discovered the "I AIN'T NO MUTT!!!" text on the back of brutus is a stock windows font called Mistral speaking of, 3am, tired, this is as far as it goes tonight eye needs work but i'm starting to smell sounds i'm so tired. so yeah, that's it for now. And no, i don't know why the spikes look like Dahlek bumps
  6. Read the frickin' thread. Six people told you how to fix it. and use the edit button
  7. if something refuses to show up, clear and regen cache honestly the cache in ror is properly crap, you just learn to live with it i guess
  8. Eh the swear filter's dumb anyway. Never saw the point of it
  9. well autocad's for designing stuff. So you can throw a frame together and test it's strength, weight, force distribution etc and keep refining it until it's perfect. You can then export that mesh as a model. 's what i do
  10. I've been saying that for years. Anyway, Et Tu Bruté? Does this make me the Dog king of ror? I've done all the mutts, brutus, spike and blizzard. Someone give me a special badge or something Either way, a slight improvement over this.
  11. well it'd be nice if you could tell me as much Ok, Let's just start with the biggie then, if you rolled, that cab would splinter. Even a casual little "oop" roll from going into a corner a little too fast, there's nothing there. It'll crush down, and bam, driver dead. No way could it hold a thousand pounds let alone ten thousand pounds from 20 feet off the ground. secondly, there's mabye three triangles in the whole thing. There's no structure anywhere. the frame rails will easy buckle or fracture as the force has nowhere to go. Ditto for the shock towers which seem to be held on with pritt stick and scotch tape. They'd tear off on a bigger hit first thing. and about the force flow again, there isnt any. The fourlink cradle is entirely isolated and held only from the top, which means it'll start to warp almost immediately. i mean just every single part of that frame is wrong. If i saw that for sale on racing junk, i'd buy a plane ticket and cut it up in the night just so nobody else could buy it. it's that bad. and the engine and radiator are just ridiculously overisized. That radiator is about five feet tall. And where's the transfer case?
  12. that's the least safest frame i've ever seen
  13. I'll map it if you want i like mapping things
  14. wasn't that the idea with coils taz in the first place?
  15. There was only ever one PENDA F350 as far as i know, and kozak made that one. I sure as hell didn't Can you please finish my max-d? it's been eight months and i just wanna see that thing done
  16. pretty sure that body was kozak's. I have been meaning to do a good version for a while though
  17. The point was more to the hypocrisy of sim monsters where that's fine but bad words hurt everybody's feelings
  18. Digger 24's really good at pretending to be SUD. Also, legend looks really weird with nitro shocks on. Just doesn't flow and shift like kings and it makes me sad he's forced to run nitros from now on with the new frame.
  19. I'm just going to call it now. The 32 truck field only means more people like taryn lasky, and we get the same four indies we get every year /pessimism also the track's probably going to be the same horsecrap as last year, with symmetrical tracks with half your options cut off, while the rest of it flows like granite in a safe. also Cappin' klay probably won't have released WF14 by WF15 either.
  20. Expert drug advice on a forum with a swear filter on. You can't say S h i t, but you can ask demko how to take cocaine and MDMA! Sim monsters!
  21. I'll donate Ratty's if need be Also, dalmation's done
  22. SO MANY MODELS TO DO GAH Also, dalmation's updated. Go have a look
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