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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. WIP as hell Since the body's so old, and it seems that the fur is usually hand painted, there's just so many different versions of the paint that i'm basing it entirely off of WF14 mutt. So yeah, deal with it. everything but the logo and the fur brush is mine. Still working on the fur though.
  2. yeah, there's a ridge that runs down the body from the hood look close, it's not a seam. Also, if anyone feels like placing the body for me, fire me an IM and i'll send you all the spiderman stuff. I think since the one in V4 is an MTM2 rip that it should be released, since it's just sitting on my drive right now.
  3. I do believe that monster mutt is done. Click image or link for stuff And i just realized i forgot the ear bands. Crap.
  4. Ok that's cool. the tow hooks look miserable though. edgesplit those things the terms are interchangable. End times more implicitly implies the process of the end of the world, rather than the end. it's more horrible that way
  5. So who'd like a livestream on saturday of this thing?
  6. Also does nobody click that image? There's no views on the P3d page :/
  7. If i have to tell you what this is i hate you (View in 3D) The ears need work. They need the little band holding them down, and i don't know how to do them, since i doubt they'll get a nodebeam. So i guess i'll just flop them down the sides using a physics sim in blender. No hinge for the roof flap, no hinges on the boot lid, no clasp holding that down and no mechanism for the tounge, which is also too high. i'll sort that in the morning
  8. Livestreaming in about a half hour. Just getting my reference together now http://www.twitch.tv/stevtheomnipotent
  9. TRIPLE POST (View in 3D) All done. Expect it and the other vettes to be up for download as soon as i mend the textures. Also, livestream tomorrow at 5 my time, mutt is on the block.
  10. Shameless double post Before (snapped this after a lot of edgework, it was even worse before) After still working on the ears
  11. >skins from three years ago done by me Nothing really amazing there honestly also where's blizzard? i thought that was the best corvette skin i did. I still have it if you can't find it, fire me an IM
  12. go for it. I really don't care about any old skins. Rerelease harlowquinn if you want, as long as you say it's mine, anything goes that said, release it alongside the other bits of the corvette pack, sting, blizzard and whatever else. that's about it really
  13. Eh, i could do it if someone got me some more reference of the flames
  14. mind the facecount is in quads, not tris. I installed the Source SMD/DMX tools, and they came with a nifty tricounter in edit mode, so i suggest doing that. That said, as it is now that's nothing, so don't worry about it.
  15. u gun get banned Harlowquinn was 800k and nobody complained
  16. Rat fink ahoy! (View in 3D) Click the image for fun. Speaking of fun, holy hell it's amazingly fun to model in rat fink style. The body itself is only about 1/3rd of the way to what i want in the end, and i haven't even started on the Ed Roth anthropomorphic jaguar for the roosterpit, that's going to be a blast to model. And all in all, it'll probably end up looking like Tony the Tiger's drug running goatee embellished evil villainous twin brother from an alternate hot rod universe from hell. This is going to rock.
  17. which is fitting, since rockstar/cali kid pretty much are shopping carts on acid
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRaDWrBnGhA just found this in my itunes really good stuff actually Oh and this
  19. Ok, livestream this thursday with mutt. Same time as last, around five my time. Mabye i'll figure out how to save the streams so you can rewatch them this time Also, anyone happen to have any orthos of donkey kong? yes i am a bastard, why do you ask
  20. I thought the samson one was a safety womble, who'd just finished giving a 'this is the safest motorsport in the world ect' speech and decided to take a stroll onto the track during racing
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