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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. As i've said before, even on this page, I'll work with BeamNG when they want me too. And i seriously believe the lack of any goddamned tools to make content for a content based game will kill beamNG. It's like GMOD without addon content, what the hell is left?
  2. yeah well, still no nodebeaming tools, and i know they had a prop placing UI. And it makes zero sense that they released without either, and even less when you think that that was three months ago. Anyway,. another one. kind of crap, but i can't be bothered to spend more than a half hour on these things. And the current ones are like thirteen triangles, so yeah. I can't do worse.
  3. it was an old pack ash made years ago. He doesn't like people using it anymore because he's ash.
  4. I saw a screenshot of one they had for BeamNG. But, you know, they didn't release any tools for that yet, and frankly i'm fairly sure that's going to end up killing the game
  5. the way it should be is that there's a prop placing UI, and you pick and choose your part and put it on the chassis, which exports it as a .truck. But how it actually is, either you spend hours lining up separate props with .truck files, by hand editing the coordinates, or you just model everything onto the frame in blender. have fun.
  6. The first of many. And yes, i know it's kind of crap. I think the blueprints i have are way off.
  7. actually no it's not. the front end on the old avenger S10 was much more defined than the new one, and it didn't swoop down as much as the new one either And i've sort of already made an accurate wrecking crew body so yeah, not sure what you're trying to say there
  8. kind of a tangent, but the biggest problem with tracks is that they're not reactive. Gabe Newell put it best So even more so in ROR, where you're supposed to be driving monster trucks, who's entire point is to destroy stuff. But you go to a camper, and bounce off. Or you go sideways over a jump, but the dirt stays exactly the same. Or you go over a crush car and it doesn't even flinch. So that's something that needs to be fixed. Campers should explode into a million billion giblets with particle effects and stuff strewn around it. Dirt could slowly deform, cars should crush down and crumple into tiny piles of unrecognizable metal. I know it's sort of fixed in BeamNG and the options for making new content are a lot better there. I started on some breakable camper vans made out of physics objects with a loose LUA script and some particles tied to it. But BeamNG's a trainwreck so that's probably not going to happen for a while, if at all Just something to consider Also, i always thought that tracks should get more immersive with props. So i was thinking about having a prop modeling competition/community thing where everyone'd start throwing around ideas, i'd make a list of the good ones, and then dole them out to people in a thread. So mabye we can do that sometime.
  9. Hang on a tic. The whole reason she's doing this vulgarity run is to distance herself as far as possible from Hanna Montanna. She's trying to prove she's not the girly little goodie distilled homogenized disney white princess that everyone takes her to be, as well as feeding off the endless PR causing a global poostorm like this entails. So you must do one thing. Every time she comes up in conversation, don't call her miley cyrus, call her Hanna Montanna. it may not reverse the damage, but it'll do your small part to smoother her career in the goddamn cradle where it can burn in the fires of hell where it belongs. It's sad enough that pretending to get bummed by some random dancer on stage or swinging about fully naked to piss off people and feed off their hate fueled attention actually happens, but it's heinously all the more worse when it actually works perfectly. Do your part to fix that, and make sure you get everyone you know to do it too. The sad matter of fact that it is, is that we live in a world where the only way to stay successful is having a public ubiquity. Talent doesn't go nearly as far as having your name permanently engraved in the public consciousness. And the best way to do that is not to permanently etch your name in the stars with naught but the iron will of your beautiful soul and the flexing photon focusing powers of your freakish butt muscles, but is simply to be so vulgar, so crass and so vacuously invidious that you piss off the loud screechy sheltered suburban housewife committees who're essentially a terrifying mix of the boy who cried wolf and a fleet of air raid klaxons for as much bombshell splash damage press as you can possibly get. Why pay a team of marketers millions of dollars, and invest thousands of man hours making sure your face and name are on the front page of wombles magazine when you can just piss off enough emotionally precarious overprotective menstruating housewives that CNN and FOX decide that they can only get viewers that week if they pander to them and feed the alarmist maelstrom and doing all the work for you, and better yet, for free? Because we live in a society where we focus more on scandalous vulgarity over actual substance. A societal precipice, where logically, Adolf Hitler would be more popular than loveing Gandhi. It's a bloody pitiful state of affairs and if aliens invaded or the lord came round to sort poo out and stamp on a few necks, i'd say "right. have your lot, and on behalf of everybody, i apologize for the human race, and no matter what you do, we probably deserve it. Have fun with your apocalyptic genocides, i'm going out for a snack. Better not be anyone left standing when i come back." Anyway, tiny 2am spontaneous rant over. Proceed as normal, citizens.
  10. Edgeflow man, edgeflow. Compare the wire of your body with Wrecking Crew or Blizzard's or really anything from el toro onward. Notice how it's mostly a grid? Think of models like 3d drawings. In 2d drawings you have the broad outlines and edges define the shape you see. Despite the fact that it's just some markings on paper or pixels on a screen, pictures generally look like stuff. However in 3d, it's not single lines that define shapes, but all the lines of an object, collectively creating a cohesive object. So think of a wireframe like a perfectly mallable cloth. A cloth that cannot be torn, but can be very slightly stretched, which sticks to surfaces it lands on without ruffling. Now imagine that the cloth falls on the shape which you want to model, perfectly enveloping it like wrapping paper. Both inside and out. Now imagine that the cloth has a grid pattern on it. That's your 3d shape. Just like the difference between loose words and a legible sentence, or story , or poem, or opus novel is a cohesive and intricately complex array of rules and ideas, and the difference between a bad story and a great story is the fidelity, eloquence and skill with which words you use and how you use them, the difference between a big pile of random vertexes and a monster truck body is the metaphorical eloquence of how you create join up the verts into an object, the grid should fall into the shape, the shape shouldn't fall into the grid if that makes any sense. Edge flow is key to everything. That said, nice that everyone's using p3d now. Makes SYP a lot more interesting. Speaking of which... Spoiler for my current project.
  11. i don't know if i'm allowed to post photos, so i wont, but gecko's working on a nodebeam. He's given it to me, and so far it looks great. Currently the roof flap likes to phase shift out of this dimension and into several others that don't adhere to our finite and laughable definition of physics, but that'll be ironed out later on. Yeah i did the edging after i started texturing, and i forgot to save the new UV for the bordering. I'll mend that, thanks. And the texture's downsized from 2048 to 1024 for p3d, on the final model with anisotropic on, it looks fine.
  12. Wrecking Crew is textured. Check the P3d thing up top Ethan's shading the headlights and wrecking ball for me since i'm an ass and can't airbrush right
  13. I made this to put in the background of Wrecking Crew on the unused texel space, but then i figured nobody would find it. I'm gonna get banned aren't i
  14. Another discovery, the CAUTION text on Wrecking Crew seems to be another stock windows font called "Utsaah", scaled vertically with a little stroke around the edges. And the WRECKING CREW stuff is Stencil. The Avenger/Brutusracing.com text on the windshields is Gill Sans Ultra Bold. they really like stock fonts it seems
  15. That's a fair point actually. In almost every shot i have the bed's distorted, the body's torn or something's off. So i'll just go with the ortho i have and call it a day
  16. Nope. That said, you are right about it being off. What it actually was is that the front of the thing was rotated. On the real thing it's at a ninty degree angle, thus appearing 'flat', or rounding out the whole shape, which makes the whole hood look thinner. Should be fixed on the P3d version. shapes are weird man.
  17. Well that was easy. Took about a half hour
  18. Broken p3d link there matey. You just copy the ID and options. so if i wanted my engie hat to show with subsurf, i'd put down mdmEk+subd
  19. I love that ISP seat on the wall "Hey ISP, why are you up there" "I'unno." "well you're a chair. get the hell down here"
  20. Requesting shots of wrecking crew. I figure i may as well get all the team scream bodies done, and avenger's by far the hardest so i'll leave it for last
  21. Et Tu Brutus? I'll stop saying that now. Ethan's currently painting some details on the mouth since i failed spectacularly to do the same. Other than that, it's done. Praise the lord and decapitate toddlers in thy name
  22. As said in SYP, the "I AIN'T NO MUTT!!!" Text on the back of Brutus is a stock windows font called Mistral. Also, someone pin this topic in the Monster Trucks section. Seriously, it needs life. That means RKM Should update his first post with all the found fonts to make things easier, if not, i will. either way, pin it.
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