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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. Naw she's fine. spry for 94. Just making sure she's fine, since she's miffed about the whole thing
  2. Iunno, not tonight though, gotta take care of my grandma who's just fallen down some steps
  3. I don't even know what MDMA is
  4. And lo the legend of the dumb looking SUD comes to a close
  5. So i just remembered this exists. and due to some major not monster truck project, i actually have a real reason to finish it. So, next livestream, Ratted out, Brutus or Taz?
  6. oh that reminds me, i wanna do Brutus/Megabyte as well agh
  7. I lost track of a friend for a couple of years, i find him years later and the bastard's now dealing heroine and cocaine life sucks!
  8. Oh i see, nevermind then Also, taz it is. Wanted to do that ever since i noticed how pooe the original taz i did was. still got the reference about somewhere
  9. Come to my side. Just concede that everything sucks beforehand as a presumption if you're wrong, it's a nice suprise and you enjoy the thing, if you're right, you can't get sad about it. it's better being a curmudgeonous git! i'd give you a filer but i hate fliers.
  10. So, next livestream, whenever that is, F150 body, or taz? please say taz
  11. Best part is, they repainted most of Chad's Digger for Legend, but not Zimmer's for SUD. Beautiful
  13. I have a maximum overkill paint sitting around somewhere. Mabye it could be used for that
  14. I don't even know what you're trying to say apart from "i erroneously use words i don't understand and i don't care"
  15. So little update, ethan's busy painting the El Toro flames for me, which means after i do the rest of the truck that'll be done soon. And Sir Boffo himself Gecko is busy nodebeaming a floppy tailed, loose roof flappin', tounge bouncin', ear floppin', boot waving Monster Mutt with a tearaway body. So yeah. there you go Also, quick test of P3d code for LF
  16. Thanks to ethan for painting the nose, Mutt's now done. Son as Rotty and Dalmation are done i guess i'll release them or something
  17. well it's not supposed to be that monster mutt. It's just supposed to be a monster mutt, i'm just basing the paint there. unless you want pube face 2003 mutt anyway
  18. it does line up actually, it's all one big seamless island. The UV's just distorted there a bit. When i do the final export with the subsurfed model that'll all be ironed out
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