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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. new depths are being plumbed on this page
  2. wait yes, i missed the whole 'i haven't put poo there yet' bit derp why not just copypaste the existing section and move it back one jump length, so that when the trucks go over them they alternate being in midair, provided they're in a dead heat? it'd look cool to spectators, and it'd force both lanes to tackle the same obstacle, which focuses on individual skill on a tough obstacle rather than personal lane preference, while making sure that you don't have to think about balancing the fact that you're still carrying over your lane choice from the last hairpin
  3. that actually looks really fun, but i can't for the life of me figure out how the racing is supposed to work
  4. for some reason i imagine tom meents driving that "You're going to blow up sam boyd?" "It was obscuring my view of my trophy collection"
  5. But A ) i'd already spent hours looking for stuff like that and deliberatly asked if anyone happened to have the exact shot i was looking for because often this is the case, and i did not bid them on pain of death to march out for hours on end to locate one B ) someone actually did give me almost exactly what i was looking for by chance, so it worked brilliantly
  6. Usually there's stuff to work with like this Obviously not with custom monster truck bodies, but usually they're simple/cartooney enough to do by eye. The trophy body is neither of these things
  7. So i just was piddling about with blender and i thought up a little racing style think i should actually make it? i'd probably put a roller around next to the turning stack to make the corner challenging and the finish line more interesting
  8. now isn't that better than stapling stuff to a plane in blender? now in stead of making one big plate of crap, you make individual props, like railings, lights, stuff like that, and throw them on in the editor, just like a big boy engine. honestly ROR is an absolute trainwreck, and it's only redeeming feature is the whole flexbody thing, thank god we can finally throw it into the bargain bin of oblivion
  9. gold flourishes over black/red base colours with a few big nice subtle shapes underneath?
  10. that's an offangle shot, i mean directly top down stuff that i can trace.
  11. So i really need a top down shot of the fibrewerx body, anyone got one? normally i'd just do it by eye with off angle shots, but this body is too complicated for that
  12. i've used torque, i tried making a game called Torque: in it (which named before i picked the engine), i stopped because i realized that to get it done it needed stuff i couldn't do, namely loads of code and the scope needed piles of content i couldn't produce on my own. point of it is, i know of what i speak, torque is a direct upgrade in every possible regard, and anyone who says otherwise is talking out of their ass and straight into a megaphone
  13. >cartooney anyone who says that BeamNG is anything but a direct and inevitible upgrade to OGRE is simply wrong. there is no argument and there is no compairson. Torque is faster, better looking, easier to work with, more modern, more fun, with more features and is just simply BETTER in every possible and conceivable regard. anyone who says otherwise simply has no idea what he's talking about oh and lag is a buzzword. if you lag in OGRE with V4, you're on a pentium II from 1993, that's your problem and not the fault of a 60 tri stadium.
  14. well don't do it like that. ROR is an anomoly in the way you work with it, keep that in mind when working with torque. i'm willing to bet 90% of how you think work should be done will be wrong for anything but ROR in fact, i see you're treating the bus stack as one object. treat every car as a seperate prop, it'll be easier to work with that way
  15. not in .17, not sure which version it was, but in one of them onwards they 'broke' flexbodies, making them all more rigid. anything that flexes or bends changed, including shocks. that's probably where you've gone wrong
  16. It's square. Loop cuts don't mean nothing if they're not doing anything
  17. i want to say 2002/3, but i think that was an older one that he just copied and improved to the one we have now
  18. 2 down and 3 to go dat squidgy feeling when i made a better skin than professional game devs working for activision. Hell i even did the text on the bullets better than whoever made that scheme. Apparently he never heard of perspective transform in photoshop
  19. mind it's a skeleton on the other side, have fun. also, any and all high res shots of fibrewerx F150s would be nice. Anyone got some?
  20. yeah that was mended just after i posted that, the sponsors were left over from 2010 gunslinger that's how it sits now, ethan's baking it as i type this. either that or hooning about in a Jaguar E type in Driver SF
  21. hey can you get me a load of reference for those bodies sometime? i've been hunting for shots of the things but nothing of use ever turns up i shall make oldest gunslinger and i shall launch it like nobody's launched it before. apart from scott heartsock obviously
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