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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. Here's one, WIP as hell, but i've been at it for yonks and i'm tired of punching myself awake http://p3d.in/kFMNi click that for 3d
  2. Honestly my money's on nintendo this go around. Yeah i know it's an xbox vs ps4 thread, but frankly a "which of the three" thread would be redundant after this one The WiiU may be 'underpowered', but it's still a yonk or two above the 360 and PS3, and it's familiar hardware, which means that there'll be less learning time for devs to produce cooler games over the 'specialized', albiet similar hardware on the One/ps4. and yeah, EA immolated bridges by saying they won't be producing for the WiiU, but they went back on that, and what that tells me is that the production costs for the U are a hell of a lot lower than the other two, and that's what it really comes down to, because games are of course getting stupidly expensive to produce these days, so buisnesses are going to favor whichever's cheapest to build games for. And yeah, you could say that didn't work for the Wii last time around, but the difference between hardware last time and this generation is very different, the Wii only did standard def, bareley 2x anti aliasing, had half the specs of the others and no hard drive, but now? WiiU does 1080i, 80 gig drive standard, a wild assortment of controllers that cover all the bases established in gaming, the full lot. all of that's better than the 360's launch, which didn't get 1080 for two years. and judging by the e3 footage, ninty's figuring out how to get power out of it too, and honestly the U's footage is looking nearly on par with the newest stuff from the others. Now yeah, i'm sure that'll pull away as the generation goes on, but honestly at this point i really don't think graphics matter anymore, it's about games now, which again, comes down to what's cheap to develop for. even without microsoft's kamakazi strategy, the thing is that the most poweful console has NEVER 'won' the war. The sega master system trunced the NES, but was outsold at a factor of 5-1 if i remember right. next gen? Neo Geo blazed the Genisis and SNES, barely sold at all. After that? N64 was king, but was slaughtered by the PS1. Xbox was the most powerful after that, and it barely outsold the gamecube, the PS2 outselling everyone else combined. so yeah, my money's on ninty, from a business perspective, they're easiest and cheapest to develop for, by all odds they'll have the best first party support, they're not going tolitarian "The consumer is evil" on us, their console so far is cheapest, it's already established, which means that their price cut will be before the competition is even out, meaning that it'll seem the best choice when comparing side by side at best buy, they seem to be embracing indies and their online is the only free online service to boot. either that or the ouya anyway In the meantime, steam powered PC master race, sig heil.
  3. this console war is already a slap fight
  4. reminds me of his save at St Louis '08, which was done without the benifit of lockers. And his body never touched the ground then either
  5. all i see are watermarks. like really, i literally can't see through them. If you're that frightened of people stealing them just show them on models
  6. But i'm talking materials, rendering, not bloody paint
  7. i think olander made it, i remodeled bits of it and painted it. Fun fact: my last paint, and technically speaking, my first model! just find me on AIM and i'll fire it over if you want
  8. black is hard to do in realtime, since you can't shade proper black, you just approximate it, or trick the eye into thinking it's black. I'd say that where crusader's frame is right now is a few hairs short of an unshadable mess. although i do recommend making the shine a lot deeper, as it is it looks like a really bad paint job done by some guy in an alley named rick for ten bucks and a papa johns coupon. This'd probably make it look properly black through sheer contrast, but it'd take some fiddling. Iunno if ROR does it but some rim lighting wouldn't do any wrong either, help add to the depth of the paint and define the overlapping bits of the frame when tubes start 'overlapping'
  9. it's like one of those awful SYP skins that's just some crap copypasted into paint
  10. but more importantly, they direct it. all the poo that's been going wrong is at their feet, since FELD is an 'entertainment' company, not a motorsports company, and it's run by old blood buisnessmen who see it as a sum of it's parts show and not a sport. that's what's been going on, monster jam as a promotor can't do anything other than what these despotic old farts tell it to.
  11. i like how you can't see the truck in the screenshot. oh wait i lied
  12. it was 4am, i wasn't thinking that far ahead
  13. The gold is a two parter, with the undercoat being brighter than the spec for proper metallic paint, looks nicer ingame tribal decals were traced from the actual truck and i used yonks of reference, so no, that's just wrong. are you looking at goldberg? hot wheels logo was there as placeholder, the paint's really unfinished, there isn't anything lined up right on the other side, i just opened the willman psd for a laugh and decided it would be funny to put on the zoomies and yeah, the scoop is half modeled on the willman body, it'd need redoing for the CRD and i wasn't that invested as for the USHRA logo, it was the only one i could find, as for some reason the google search decends into Eve screenshots, so yeah. Plus it was never on the scoop and the fender, it was just either or. and it's the CRD body, of course it's going to be bloody round, i mean just look at it
  14. if you got some nice big orthogonal shots i'd have a go at modelling the thing, it looked bloody cool from what i remember. Pretty much what a monster truck would've looked like in batman TAS
  15. pasting a photocrop onto a model does not a raptor make
  16. i'm still waiting for san diego 2009, been years. And mark, something about your custom tracks, they never seem to have any variation beyond straight ramps built around varying things. Mabye that's just me, but throw something different in there, you got all that space and all the ramps are practically traffic lanes
  17. i just noticed the mapping on the transfer case is awful and the shock bodies are missing a lot of details, especially on the ends, really bad and sharp edges on them, needs fixing
  18. That chrome is stupidly strong. Tone that crap down Not true in .38
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