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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. if anyone's interested http://www.1001fonts.com/carnivalee-freakshow-font.html that's the gunslinger font. so yeah, how about that speaking of WIP as hell
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mipmap basically mesh LOD's for images. Saves RAM and processing time by saving and calling lower resolution/quality version of an image within itself The texture i used from POD was so blocky that just tells me that they couldn't be bothered to hit "generate mip map" at some point when making images, and took the lazy way out and just compressed the image to hell and back and relied on a really admirable anisotropic filtering and texture guestimation by the engine to compensate
  3. I was about to say thank you tarus games for being a motley assembly of lazy bastards who can't even be bothered to bake a model but screw you tarus games, for not including the whole image that doesn't get cut off by the fender, not making the image an actual accurate representation of the actual graphics, and for thinking that mip maps are for the weak and compressing the image beyond recognition
  4. So nobody has anything on gunslinger? not even the POD rip that LF got yonks ago? booooo
  5. honestly most of the meshes are beyond salvage, and if i ever finish it, i'll only do it on a nodebeam that's worth the time, and V3 is a farce that said, it was a cool concept and most of the shapes are there. i could probably redo it in a week or two if i really went for it
  6. actually yeah, i was going to do that for a modelling tutorial, the old '92 F150 but only if someone can find me some gunslinger reference, because google is no help and i suck at the internet
  7. all done anyone have any gunslinger graphics? particularly 2011, i can do the old one by hand
  8. http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6199/6023421500_b2feef7dfc_o.jpg that one is perfect, thanks
  9. i think a general rule of thumb is that if you don't have anything to say, don't say it matched it 1-1 with a side shot of the broker. if anything it's too long what i really need is headlights for the texture since i'm crap and can't make my own I spent an hour looking for the sponsors the broker actually had none of them exist any more according to the internet, so let's pretend this is a modern broker and quietly cry in the night over the massive travesty that is incorrect sponsor logos
  10. Next week: Valve time anyway, a thing, no bake and wip as hell because blender hates me, the '99 ford doesn't exist according to google and it's 4AM so i don't care
  11. >gliding through itunes library >see band i've never heard of >why not https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fV1nx8bT7xQ >oh wow this is great
  12. i still think of that game as chad fortune: the game for some reason
  13. toss up for me between SSX 3 and TF2 leaning towards SSX 3 because goddamn that game was perfect
  14. and i'm back in the lead actually a 3 wheeled monster done in the style of the morgan three wheeler would be interesting more work than it's worth though
  15. ok now it's done did the flames in the grille, un crapped some stuff and added the wheel well sills
  16. oh very nice need any props modeled? i like making props
  17. Good christ is that future shock? i forgot about that needs a scrounged up ramming bar on the front or something. doesn't really scream fallout universe to me better yet make it a tucker or something since fallout has that whole mid forties art deco thing going on and the tucker looks like a rolling death plough in a fedora
  18. somehow i double posted, mind snipping it?
  19. yeah i made that yonks ago with crazy. y'know, i could probably redo that thing, using that as a guide and do a full high poly sculpt out of it hell that'd be downright fun, good practice for zombie too anyone got the model and texture lying about?
  20. >glue picture of an older ford to a different model >it's a new truck! that might've flown in 1995. surely not now
  21. for me, anything with coils and lockers. personally i'd take a racesource because pablo gets about one phonecall a year for frames and it's usually because david smith broke something
  22. Broker's done apart from the bumper and the flame cutout in the grille shell, which i'm going to model because i'm a bastard that's why
  23. well if i did do it it's crap, so ignore the man behind the curtain meanwhile, Part one, basic ideology to keep in mind when working
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