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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. it's not that it was unrealistic, just boring and entirely devoid of personality. Unrealistic driving can be fun, just look at Burnout; and if Ninty could make Super Mario Kart fun to this day on the SNES, there is no excuse for slot car physics in today's world. FUEL by far was the worst offender for boring physics, doubly worse for being a racing game to begin with. Toddler driving physics in an offroad game published by Codies? i mean what the proper hell happened there
  2. i really hope they don't bunce up the driving physics. boring and unpersonable driving has ruined so many games for me. I couldn't even stand saints row because of it
  3. Ooooh oppa tom meents by the look of it roughly translated it means "i am an idiot and should probably have my limbs amputated so i may never produce another sign"
  4. and that's the point of the downvote system, to find the equilibrium between all opinions where they balance out between upvote and downvote. that's the entire point of voting in the first place Plus it makes the accumulated rep thing pretty meaningless
  5. Yeah but the same way, praising people for making awful things is far worse, and seems to be a waypoint of today's culture, the best example being the slow march of skinner box and other gratification mechanics edging their way into literally everything we interact with daily. And if people are scared of making things because they're bad at it, then that's probably a clue they should think harder about how to do it and when i do go on a massive 1500 word post critisisng things i get yelled at for being a bastard, and not nearly as many people complain when i go "well that's a bit crap innit mate" with a stupid image, and nobody listens anyway so i think i'm just going to yell at the wall for not being a load bearing structure forcing the other walls are making fun of it, and the wall civil war of walls should probably be diffused anyway.
  6. Like he's done something poorly, that's the point of telling someone he's done something poorly And how is the general theme of this thread "we can't tell people they're poo because that'll hurt their feelings." That's just encouraging awful things to be made, and if you tell a dog who's just shat on the floor that he's a good dog in consolation, suddenly the dog thinks that that's how it gets praised, so it'll do it more. That's exactly what's happened here
  7. Because down voting is a way of saying you disagree with something instead of posting, that's the point of it. And if you can upvote, and praise/agree with someone, but can't do the opposite, that's a bit of a hobson's choice isn't it? I should probably shut up before this gets into a free will/censorship for 'good' discussion, but the point's there, why have one without the other, it's genuinely a stupid thing. And i can't tell you how many other forums get along really well with plenty of 'dumb' ratings. Facepunch has five bad ratings, one of which is for when someone insults someone else, and you agree. And it seems to be doing fine, and has done for seven years now; and continues to be one of the best forums for modelers and modders there is
  8. well then ban them for doing that and the problem will eventually go away
  9. I like everyone saying "Oh no, people will downvote posts they disagree with" isn't that the entire point?
  10. oh ok. well i'm fine with it getting out. I always thought it was an alright thing
  11. But that's mine and someone else's who's name i don't remember.
  12. And here i thought that truck retreated into obscurity sometime around 2008
  13. Pacific Rim binge Goddamn Cherno Alpha is a great design
  14. that is mancuso, he looks exactly how i imagined him. He just needs a gothic castle and an angry organ player to follow him at all times playing him an evil theme tune for everything he does something like this i'd imagine, in particular 1:00 onward, the music just sort of flowing around him like a bad smell
  15. Blame this guy "Respecting the audience and doing something amazing with a monopoly of an entire genre? love that i want shorterm money now!" Seriously, this idiot's buisness ideas are the very definition of awful short term tactics, and the fat bastard continues to dig the hole deeper with his own detested nose as a spade.
  16. >implying that isn't exactly what ror already does that's your fault and not the game's, if i can run the tech demo at a reasonable speed on my laptop that can't even do 720p video, that means you are trying to run BeamNG on a few bits of circuit board you found in a bin, with some RAM made out of some belly button lint.
  17. ok that looks properly good needs wheels that smoosh down though, since 'whole' crush cars behave differently with the wheels and suspension giving way
  18. you really like this thread don't you And what the hell, the last one makes me look like a tit anyway Was visiting a few friends in kelowna with dad, and we got to fart about in a '56 mercury for a while. Beautiful thing
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