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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. Truly more eloquent, concise and elegant words have never been spoken. We've been blessed with this linguistic beauty And yeah, there is no .65 importer. Either keep a duplicate .49 installation or move to BeamNG.
  2. Help. On a more serious note though: And how the hell is there no Astons in here already? That counts as a car, right? I think i found the Stevmobile I know this'n will be mine. Old blue, one of a kind Dodge Polara, and i love it so. I swear the thing has a soul. And honestly i wouldn't mind building a draguar. If you ignore the god awful Leyland motors in there, they're really nice cars. And a chevy 350 fits the motor mounts perfectly, and you can find them in top shape for 3500 grand tops. I mean why not? It'd have to be metallic green though.
  3. Ok, that is a cool thing. i don't like the blue mouth, i'd probably do the silver thing, at least make the mouth look mouth like with a blue outline as they did on the real thing with silver. Might wanna do something with the spoiler though, it looks bland and unused as it is now, mabye flesh out the roof horn/lump/scoop/thingies as well, drawing them out with some flames or something, iunno and all told that hot wheels body is kind of tat. I'll have to do a proper one someday along with the usual F150. Shouldn't be too hard
  4. pardon my ignorance, but does that make Ninio/Ninia redundant words? or are they used for different context? I never learned spanish, and i'm just wondering
  6. What? and the meents sparklers would need custom particles. ROR does this, but honestly it's an ancient engine and i can't be bothered to learn, and to get those to work you would have to install them in a really tricky way, and frankly since most people around here can't read the TIRES DON'T WORK IN .38 BECAUSE WE DON'T KNOW HOW TO REMOVE SPACES IN FILENAMES bit, frankly that'd just cause a lot of misery and why in gods name would there be a non breakable version of a breakable nodebeam? seriously, explain this to me because that's batpoo looney
  7. You know, there's a difference between criticism and being a dick. You can be a dick if you're trying to be funny i suppose, but that only stands if you're actually spitting out constructive feedback
  8. But they are? i couldn't find a reaction image for someone talking out of their ass but take this as a substitute
  9. or you could, you know, make it corner better and pass it off as skill only idiots would make it obvious
  10. i put it on v4 just to try it, what could possibly keep it from being on v5? besides cavi never ever finishing it and v5 flying apart like a detonated pile of amiable and noncommittal wet spaghetti in zero g
  11. this is pretty much my face every time i remember that thing existed
  12. The army one is a bit crap since the camo you used is really low res and you forgot to magic erase the whites from the army logo, the tribal one is actually kind of nice, but i can't help suspect stolen artwork due to the inconsistent quality, and frankly the american dad one can go die in a fire, no part of it is good
  13. Does this mean Cavi will never finish my max-d?
  14. Fun fact: a flat line like that just means the machine's unplugged. If the heart had stopped the line would've been red
  15. added some stuff like trunks and started on the interior/full body shell
  16. Yeah but .6 is a better thing and there's almost no reason to use .49
  17. yeah it's hiding somewhere, just google it
  18. you know what, this sums up the thread right here
  19. just scale x/z to zero. and don't use the specials bevel, just do it with loopcuts or by hand
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