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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. in either the render, scene or world tab, there's a slider/thing labled Samples, in the Ambient Occulsion panel. This basically ups the amount of raytrace particles and samples taken from those shadows for the bake. The grit you see is just a low sample/light ray setting being baked to an image. Obviously the higher it is the longer it takes so don't set it to seven thousand six hundred and forty nine, because that'd take a lifetime. Also i'd set the margin to about 5, so you don't get a cut off map. Don't do that if you have a really tight map or a low res image for your image oh, and rule of thumb, use images with a resolution to the power of 2. Makes them sharper, use less memory and allows them to be called up quicker. Why? Binary, that's why
  2. up the samples for your AO bakes, those are really gritty
  3. This thread made me laugh so hard it hurts you really have no idea how the world works do you?
  4. Yeah, might just end up leaving the fronts as they are, then putting a cheater slick on the back. If only because it looks pretty silly with lows on the back and thick all season on the front. I had to redo the rear anyway
  5. they're road racing tires, i can't remember what i based them on, but i know they're based off a real tire from somewhere, something along the lines of this mind it's not a serious drag car, it's essentially a hopped up muscle car with a jaguar badge. It's still at least somewhat of a daily driver
  6. And i'd like to have all the money in the world without stealing any of it, but we can't get what we want can we
  7. Draguar's got some tread and some other things also Need some idea for the rims though
  8. i meant the model, it's how i made this unholy bloody thing eugh.
  9. I found RKM's theme song seriously, put that over a video of him freestyling, it makes too much sense
  10. why do you have sandals, you live in Kitmat
  11. So the only thing on tracks you can't texture... is tracks?
  12. BeamNG and yeah, you can make custom particles in ROR, it's just an utter bastard to get working
  13. yeah but i still don't have their name and according to google neither exist when i try searching more broadly http://www.emaoffshore.com/main/index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&layout=category&task=category&id=15&Itemid=131&lang=en nothing on their or their importer's website either
  14. anyone have any tread shots of these tires? i'm a dumbass and didn't think to snap any and i can't even get a name on the things
  15. it's a loveing parking lot you should've seen the view from my old house thanks mom. love off so you can go climb mount kilimanjaro and go off on a hippy dippy 'healing' adventure 15 years too late. well done
  16. well then put a readme in next to it or something, or just use a material for it that tiles it by default so they use that
  17. couldn't you just tile it in the materials and save however many hundreds of pixels or hell, just tile it with maps, that works just as well
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