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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. makes me want to grab my board and go huck some cliffs like painfully. it's a lusting zeal now. WHY IS THERE NO SNOW
  2. Ratted out just got a new friend/blood enemy it seems
  3. Because that just makes sense of course
  4. triumph spitfire hasn't been relevant since the seventies, and i'm fairly certain the copyright only extended to produciton cars and probably ran out years ago. Likewise for the Spitfire plane. that was only a nickname to begin with, and it's not a commercial trademark beyond models, reproductions and actual image likeness for movies and such. from what i remember it was some comic series named spitfire that was the offender, which is fine, since i like dragon's breath more anyway of course it's all moot now. Because obviously we have to have five el torro locos instead of a genuinely good scheme with a genuinely good driver behind it as an identity.
  5. I figured, not enough demoman items speaking for his character. so me and ethan gave him a scotch flask
  6. The racing ramps were turned into almagamated dirt piles for freestyle, with the white side turning into a hip ramp of sorts
  7. yeah it just seems that the overall integrity of the things is getting worse and worse plus a lot of WC is rusting up somehow
  8. going on tangent here but how the hell are Wrecking crew/spike still allowed to run? both frames are more then ten years old, and for christ's sake, chris has tore the cradle off the bottom of spike more then once, and wrecking crew is as close to a monster truck rat rod as we'll ever see
  9. all monster you say? please tell me that's for some looney allmonster's eve malarky later on
  10. So i need thoughts. Rigging the goatee to facial flexes is being a pain. Should i keep the goatee or bin it? if people think it fits, then it's worth the trouble, if not, it's not. so yeah, yay or nay?
  11. every version ever is here http://sourceforge.net/projects/rigsofrods/files/rigsofrods/
  12. alternatly, always model with the object properties at 0,0,0 and 1,1,1, for loc/scale
  13. Well he ran San Antonio in 2010, and young guns is for "two years of monster jam competition or less"
  14. And CRD's cost a pretty penny. Why not just go racesource? Smith always has done. Also from what i can piece together, Seasock junior said that the elder sock is getting a ride in Max-d, and we got that bloody hispanic themed truck coming up, which probably means lupe's out of it. Seems to me the grinder team's no more. Seems to me like AAP is pullin' out
  15. Welp, ryan isn't coming to vancouver this year and it's CRmax-D according to sam i guess i'll just have to settle with going to the finals this year
  16. The gravity well extends to about a thousand miles outside the atmosphere if i remember right, so that could never happen
  17. What about chasing ideas? what about experiencing beauty, conquering challenges, standing buck straight in the face of the world and letting the world blink first? what about leaving a you shaped crater in the fabric of history? what about doing something profound, extending the human conciousness, being a legendary facet of the finest gem human kind can offer? frankly i think basing yourself entirely off of sexual context is trite, sad, pathetic and in all honesty, just plain stupid. Of low thought and all it leads to is your entire being as being left as an inconsequential fart in the sandblasting winds of time
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