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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. yeah i can't get my controller to work with my new computer, so there's no way in hell i'm qualifying. shouldn't bother working on beastie anymore i guess
  2. beastie probably won't be anywhere close 'done' for the weekend but i'll try. there's a hell of a lot of texturing to do, but i think the main pratfall will be the ungodly amount of props i have to place, since a lot of the placement numbers in the truck file i'm using are pretty strange. as far as i can tell the obj data for metal mulitia isn't how i model stuff. doesn't help that i modeled it around a smaller nodebeam with proportions traced from a real truck, whereas the original box5 seemed to just be ad libbed, so for example, none of the joints on the knuckles and tie rods line up right. who knows, i'll try, but i'm not even that good at racing anymore anyway, so whatever, we'll see
  3. that is an incredibly akward name, and yet it still works somehow. i'm tempted to do it for you, but i got brass beast going on, sorry
  4. pacing is stupidly rushed, in retrospect, three shows on one three muinite song was a really bad idea
  5. alright, either you've exported it wrong, or you didn't apply the object perametres, so it's either too small to see, or the location data's buggered and it's somewhere off on jupiter. go to blender, select frame, hit control A, and then both location and scale
  6. copypaste the props section for me, i think one of two things have happened
  7. for some reason or another, they're part of the frame mesh. You'd have to edit those to change them
  8. Well that's probably the best gift from the grandparents i've ever heard of. Meantime, despite my best protests, i got some stuff, mainly my new computer rig, which i paid for half, the rest was deemed a present, which i'm glad of, i could never have put this thing together myself without that extra money As well as that, i got some george thuroughgood, rolling stones, stray cats and bob dylan CD's, a rat rod shirt my dad made for me, which is splendid, a new computer mouse shaped like a Camaro SS for some reason, neat, but a touch uncomfortable. As well as that, i got some headphones, a calender filled with obscure cars like the pontiac bonnivile and Nash Ramblers and such. Oh, and yo dawg, i herd u leik hats Of note, render times with my new rig are incredible. Just rendered a video, on my old machine it'd take about two, mabye three and a half hours, on the new one, less then ten minutes. i bloody love this thing
  9. That's not a good reason to drive a car/truck/misc
  10. I just finished bastion one of the best games i've ever played. Beautiful art, fantastic sandbox design, writing is masterful, story is haunting and vividly gorgeous, charicters are astonishingly well drawn together, the music is intoxicating, the world enveloping, and the ending mesmerising. buy. this. game.
  11. uh that's a really bad solution the chuffs are, everything else is from either me soundhunting on youtube or a stock sounds pack that i bought for some other projects that never went anywhere
  12. for poos 'n giggles, last AME i put in surplus faces and such into harlowquinn, just as a test. the polycount on that truck, including biped and hidiously subsurfed body was somewhere around 800,000 triangles, the SM trucks of today are 73,000 last i checked, and nobody, not even RKM complained of lag. I think we'll be fine, besides, i'm not even putting in all the neat stuff. a lot of gears, worm drives and finer details won't be there, so that saves a few thousand more faces
  13. testing sounds for brass beast any thoughts?
  14. wonder how happy ash is going to be about such a low quality rip from that preview image from facebook
  15. Planetside 2 free to play, infinite depth, nothing else like it. also you can drop tanks on people, and the servers max out at 5,000 players at one time. it is fantastic. Also Team Fortress 2 is free, and one of the best shooters ever made
  16. As promised, one piano with seperating legs for dropping on britan's finest car Didn't even look at reference for this'n apart from the placement of the sharp keys if you want it, just fire me an IM on skype or something, it's partially mapped, not really scaled to anything in particular
  17. I hope that means that four more indies get in as opposed to more FELD trucks. I also hope that madusa gets repeatedly run down by a sherman tank with a flamethrower on the front for good measure, but i guess we can't all get what we want
  18. So my question wasn't really answered, can i run beastie or not? 'cause none of it's ingame yet and it's a lot of work to finish in the next few days and i don't want to bother if it's just a big fat no at the end of it. Hell i gotta make sounds for the bloody thing, and place all the custom props, so should i bother or not? it won't be a super fantastic version with all the moving guff, fancy props and grand textures, but it'll be a nice little toy to have if i do put it together
  19. please tell me that's a morris marina. if it is, i shall model a piano to drop on it
  20. You need to specify Alpha channels in your material file
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