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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. '63 with a really stretched hood if you asked me
  2. The fame's a one off, and i'm waiting on a replica before i start on the thing
  3. Sorry to keep drowning the thread with Ratty progress. but hey, i thought it could use a salvaged rear steer toggle perspective mode is your my friend And yes, it really will flick left and right (on an ergonomic angle no less) when you hit the rear steer, i've got animation triggers pretty much nailed right now. Minus guages anyway, but more on that later if i can ever be bothered to texture anything ever again
  4. Knew Baldry in person. bit of a bastion for me, manliest happy man you'll ever meet. Right proper gentleman and the kindest soul i've ever met Dad told me a story, Baldry was playing a festival in ontario a couple years back in the early ninties, and the audience kept cheering for this song, cheering "Bauldry's out! Bauldry's out! Bauldry's out!" Course, Baldry just grinned and said "He most certainly is" Edit: Oh come on, i can't even say G a y? that's six levels of irony right there.
  5. this just looks right. still not positioned though. i have to model the mounts and figure out which guages will do which. Thinking of having the main spedometre in the middle skinned as such, but function as a tach. Just because.
  6. Decided that Ratty needed a proper junkyard find guage set going to model the needles and glass tomorrow i guess.
  7. i like the name, Ninja Rat Attack because when i think japanese ninjas, i think matte black corvette. so many better names. Off the top of my head, let's go for a few. Tempered Steel, Brazen Brute, Snarling Serpant, Visceral Viper, Vicarious Vision. those are all crap, but better then Ninja Rat attack. hell, it'd be just as fine nameless. Matte black is always cool
  8. Yeah, pure black in any game is a sin. Because you can't draw shadows on pure darkness. and neither can you brighten it using lightmaps. spec maps also, as a rule, make everything better
  9. Needs a spec map, shading on the checkers/banner and a good old AO bake
  10. import the guff model, set smooth, edge split to about 60ish, retain the materials and throw it (in edit mode, changing OBJ_ properties is a sin) into your truck. Should carry straight on over and look even better thanks to the magic of edge split this is just not as satisfying as making your own. but maybe that's just me
  11. Bloody hell. No wonder you weren't on. That could've gone a hell of a lot worse methinks
  12. >find high res picture of flames >Colour range >Clonestamp tool is your friend
  13. So yeah. this is still going along. the lighter yellow metal would supposedly be brazen ingame over a contrast of the "ratty" steely brass on the more beaten parts for a contrast, like to bring out the spinning iner axle components on the diff. Honestly not sure if i should keep this "esthetic" or just scrap it all and cry. i'm honestly asking because i don't know if i should can it or not
  14. wat. Thanks for the compliment though. Currently going through TMNT, the bloody thing's a nightmare, makes me feel better about my ineptitude a bit.
  15. it could be on a different render layer, the scale could be broken or the importer stopped working check all the layers, hide all the objects then import it and see if anything showed up. if it's neither, try loading a new .blend file and trying to import the same object, sometimes things can go screwey. Like in my escalde blend, for some reason nothing will show a texface, so now i can't model mohawk warrior.
  16. Technically Stripling Warrior beat bigfoot to the punch. Personally i think it looks cool, i like the trophy truck bodies, they're a nice change and i think custom designs for them should turn up some cool results due to the unique leading lines to bevel against. Although it is just another body style fad, like the '08 F350, weather it hangs on or not is up to time to decide, but hey, i don't mind
  17. give this a listen. it's grand
  18. With some trucks it works, with some others it doesn't, king krunch is firmly in the latter i like Kahuna though, i'm defiantly going to model that. I needed to make a new surfboard model for Ratty anyway
  19. but that's the opposite of what i said. The front dug with the tires pointed right and the rear followed, the entire truck hopping and turning into the right. In v3, if you did the same, breaking while turning right at a fair clip, the rears dig in, the front then slides to the left. Also, i use a controller, that was not slamming on the breaks or throttle.
  20. when has it ever gone sideways and backwards? >all i said was "V3 understeers" i'd say three megaposts taking white knight is defensive too. and as for i'd be crucified if i posted what i have in mind. Just ask kozak or klayton what i'm on about. and that's all i'll say.
  21. oh the things i wish i could post right now that would plant your foot so firmly in your mouth that you'd be choking on your knees oh well, time will vindicate me soon enough. EDIT: that post was a bit garish, i'm sorry. But still, on a real truck, if you hit the breaks while cornering, the front end doesn't slide sideways, as the rear tires lock up, dragging the front backwards because they have that much more purchase. there's no escaping it. if you could show me one time this has ever happened on a dry, non muddy track in exactly the way it does in V3, i'd pay you a hundred dollars through pay pal. hand on my heart. and yes, while ROR is no megasystem in terms of dirt simulation, it's no excuse for hovercraft physics. And if you try hard enough, you can get just about anything to work. you could model ruts with LOD to iron out the FPS issues, you could craft ruts using normals displacement, you could generate realistic surface varations using a texture based surface desegnation (The offical term escapes me), you could use OGRE's alpha texture texture melding/tesselation system thingy to cause varying levels of traction/dig. it's all there if you look for it.
  22. But they do http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhQNY3ZND50&feature=player_detailpage#t=74s Lookie there, rear steer neutral, nothing but the front steer, and he goes over. not completely over, and he goes to try and save it, but enough to tip him, and then rolls right after If the truck didn't understeer, when i let off the gas each time, the truck's weight would shift to the outside front tire and push over, tipping/rolling it. But that doesn't happen, and the much grippier rear wheels take traction and pull the front end sideways. that's severe understeer.
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