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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. http://www.youtube.c...de?feature=mhee couldn't resist. i should probably replace that splash video with something more up to date. ancient stuff there
  2. More fantastic working music. them crazy 3d concept bodies just fly along to this This is great as well Come to think, all of My Head is an Animal is great working music, even though the album is pretty much just one gigantic celtic power ballad
  3. Make sure the OBJ data in blender is at 0-0-0 for location/rotation and 1-1-1 for scale. Control A will apply modifiers, so if you have it lined up with an existing model, just make sure the object data isn't skewed, beyond that, it's mostly contextual
  4. but then you'd have RKM's max-d/avenger, and that's terrible
  5. http://mtm2.com/~tracks/trackshot.cgi?mode=pic&thistrack=4785 full recreation of 1-1 and 1-2 from SMB complete with sound effects? yes please.
  6. I was more talking about the skin really. body can go to blazes
  7. Don't make me break out the Cortez skins. He beat you to pink avenger
  8. I actually tried to get that sucker out of DNF (which happens to be the most unfortunate acronym in history) when it first came out. unfortunatly i'm not LF and can't hack filesystems so it's locked away forever
  9. Alright, sounds good to me. just always nice to avoid really simple ramps as a rule
  10. Van stack at the lower left and the blue stack at the upper left on the second image look single faced, which is what spurred, and i'm a pedantic mofo, just seen too many sketchup tracks that handle like a sack of soggy bricks, gives me a twitch reaction
  11. Hot shoe, one thing i'll say, is that straight, single faced ramps handle much worse then actual extruded curved ramps. less fidelity and skill involved in hitting single faced ramps. and if you do the curved lips right, they all have a nice weight to them as well that makes each jump more satisfying, which really brings up the overall impression of a track
  12. thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis i was just browsing cownap, even the brand new 2012 tracks are far and away more creative then the ror stuff. and there's less then a dozen of them. and concidering there's several thousand trucks/tracks in MTM2 released annually (well, formerly anyway), what happened to ebb creativity? there's barley a few dozen of each in ROR now
  13. and that is legitimately terrifying
  14. it's on my list after a few more prominant projects are out of the way. A willman's a willman, and the poor truck that struck a spark near tom meents is important enough on it's own to warrent replicas. plus it has a really really cool spoiler. so there's that.
  15. total face count (including placeholder tire) is sitting at 60k ish triangles. which isn't really much. still have the entire roosterpit to do though. it'll probably end up being about 140k at the end of it, but if it gets too drastic i figured out how to do LOD, so it's all good
  16. I never got that show. never really liked it, and i always swept it aside with stuff like mona the vampire or Uh Oh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilUNI6liu_s also if you don't like this show, you're wrong. it's as simple as that. skip to 7:00 if you're lazy
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37O_NgZ528A one of the chorus hits ever? oh yes.
  18. I'd say blue, just because it shades better anyway >be working on beastie >steamshaft steering rams, because steam engines are awesome >think it needs little pressure guages >ok that looks good >what if they need to share steam or something not sure if i should keep the anthropomorphism and make it look pissed off, or just put the guages somewhere else.
  19. Oh come on, we all know you stole that from RKM
  20. I see your pinky and the brain and raise you the animaniacs also this even in a cartoon yoko loves up the beatles
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