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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. Well he was running a fairground yesterday, which ash went to. frankly, this is probably me being my calloused misanthropic self, but if i wanted to go out, i'd want to go out the day after i drove my own monster truck at a packed fairground, every single eye there to see you tearing it up.
  2. Dead thread revival tour None of that is static. the base "wallpaper" pulsates and glows from the centre, the dias on the left screen spins around itself, weather and guff updating in realtime. radar twirls around and occasionally picks up stuff, all the hard drive/RAM/CPU things track in realtime, the button trays quietly glow and all that fun stuff i feel like a mad scientist experimenting on the effects of flashy things on easily pleased misanthropic sociopaths
  3. I was going to do the '99 ford anyway, soon as i get a proper model instead of RKM's box type thing, i'll get this one done too. simple vector job, easy done
  4. I was actually quite disappointed that Hawk didn't even get to the BMX park finals. From a rider's perspective, he was absolutely tearing up the course, nailing lines, transfers and sighting hits that i hadn't even thought about from a third person, which was brilliant. Only thing he didn't do was any massive flares, which should've deducted, but not blow him out of even the semis. oh well. should be cool to watch rally and whatever else they have for the next few days.
  5. [media=] one of the best LP's i've ever watched
  6. now to do the interior. probably going to do slatted metal instead of lexan. some retro style guages, vintage light switches for rear steer toggle. wonder if ash can get my fuzzy dice to work
  7. reinstall the python framework http://www.python.org/getit/
  8. Version 2: One more shot for good measure, only upvote this post for the split window
  9. Ok, i'm an indecisive idiot, so i'm going to make two posts. one with one version of the cab, one with the other. whichever post gets more upvotes is the keeper. ignore the fact that one is missing the bed Version 1:
  10. Spy is by far the most underrated character. Between his domination lines, and even just his way of saying "Dreams of chronic and sustained cruelty" really makes me think that if he was explored in some kind of show or movie or whatever, he'd be one of the best charicters in history. I mean even the basic juxtoposition of a mercyless, betraying, literally back stabing sociopathic murder, who also happens to be an incredibly well spoken intelgent man, even that alone is grounds for some fantastic stories and duologue. let alone the setting of TF played against that, and multiplied tenfold by the relationships between the mercenaries, as again, slightly hinted at with spy/heavies fear and lament of the subhuman creature that is the pyro. Goddamit valve. pay for a movie already and i'll buy it four times
  11. I found the problem with the new ratted out. The problem here is that, while the cab and such gets all the aggressive stature i want, the grille is the most prodominant part of the body, with the anthropamorphic lines in it suggesting a bit of a grin, and moreover, it steals your eyes away from the cab, ruining the impression it's supposed to give. So i reshaped the grille, skewed it to bring out more of it's "chin" and give it a more jagged and vicious look, as well as remodeling the actual chrome bits to draw the leading lines up the front of the truck, guiding the line of sight to the furrowed cab. also the steering wheel looks awesome textured.
  12. Ten muinites to go now got some soda and some pizza. going to be grand, since i remember valve saying SFM was going to be released next to MTP.
  13. yeah, 2.63. pretty damn good. much better then .49
  14. Attempt 2: better, but i'm trying to get an aggressive leading line out of the hood, but all i get is a bit of a grin. i did paint over the headlights to get a more unimpressed look from them, but you can't really see that in solid mode if folks like this one, i guess i'll work a better stance out of it. if not, i'll try again. did make a wheel for it though. Classy chrome with a wooden outer rim. going to add some nice rivits for good measure. Stolen from an MG. so hey, it's the MG "We're sorry about the midgit so here's something that's different"
  15. It's a mix of an international harvester, studabaker, willies, mid fifties ford and a desoto thrown in for good measure. pretty much everything BUT the jeepster. but it is a willies a suppose, so that's close enough
  16. Welp, wanted that to be a replacement for ratted out, since the original was pretty much a stretched time flies with a bed. and here this came out looking like a mouse. i guess my first mistake was rooting the cab as a truck. lets try this again
  17. Bill payne is the tom meents of indie drivers
  18. I'm not even that happy with it. i had to do the model off of SSR blueprints, since actual shots of the truck are far and few between. at least i can make this abomination out of detour/natural high though
  19. Well now that i know neons in ROR work, it's time for Escalade.
  20. hey i remember that old power wheels incriminating to think i did that over a school lunch break. gotta redo that figboot pack soon. mabye i'll make bigfoot the right colour blue this time And hey, speaking of crappy old paints it had a cool name (which i managed to misspell), but it had a horrible problem of being generally wretched
  21. long way to go, but oh well also reworked a lot of the HHR. fixed a few abhorrent face fill mistakes i missed first time around, mended a bit of the map and redid a lot of the leading lines to give it a more aggresive stance, fitting of digger couldn't knead the derptastic windshield line out of it though.
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