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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. Also flip the normals on the exaust pipes, you've got them backwards. and you've forgot to smooth the model itself, so when you do that, hit edge split and set it to about 45 degrees while you're at it
  2. got the differential's sillouette sorted. the mini axle on each side will spin at wheel speed, and with the wagon wheel looking bearing struts, it should add a nice contrast to the sturdy brass on the outside. slots in the main housing is for gears that'll spin at 1/3rd, 8/9ths and 2/1 wheel speed in that order, with a worm drive on the front slot. as for the driveshafts, the one on the inside will spin counter clockwise at 1-1 wheel speed, and the outer ring and brace will spin clockwise at half wheelspeed. still haven't figured out how the shocks will mount to the differential, how i'll get a convincing relation between the driveshafts and the differential or how i'll get nice looking knuckles. but it'll be fun to figure out
  3. I remember being flabbergasted when my friend actually managed to get through the game. unlocking all this (at the time) amazing things like the vertical coaster. i wish things were as interesting as they were as a kid. Go team social jading. Also on topic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ0E3dEoP9E one of the best cartoon series ever made. purely fantastic from end to end. plus we get to see a british anthropamorphic griffon tear a nazi in half in a childrens show in a later episode. what's not brilliant about that?
  4. Yeah, i was suspicious when your account started hitting on me, they're getting smarter. They've stopped referring to themselves as 24/f.
  5. >import chassis into blender >move map over Colours.png >export
  6. the pure imagination that went into this series was stupefying
  7. elbow version is my favorite cover
  8. But if i did that, where'd i stuff the inevitable union jack?
  9. Well that's not steampunk, that's just a ford. Too easy
  10. I'd need someone to design something for me. Everything you see there was just adlibbed, and i can't come up with a body for the life of me
  11. Here's one i wrote, still first draft because the people i write songs for never actually bother to write music for the things they ask me to make for them. ALL ABOARD THE EGO TRAIN A tip of the trilby and a homeward glance Another day putting me in a hopeless trance The white knight’s tracks, fly to a schoolyard Filled with those who don’t know that life gets hard The white ember’s glow A million shroedinger’s tradgedies And tomorrow’s thugs and vile bodies Put on a tiny little show, Christ I’d rather not know And in our right, after the boyhood light What serves us well, will welcome hell All I see when I see school children dance That childlike aspiration Only leads to stagnant indignation After the light’s snuffed by chance Little Johnny falls down a well. Rescued by a sorrowful wreck Falls into the wrong pocket, finds some smack And Johnny becomes a drug dealer, falls to hell All I see is Shroedinger’s tragedy A million little voices, falling past the black knight Those gleaming smiles hearing life’s insipid melodies, Lured through the illicit maze, finding evil’s subtle might Little Susan forced to fast, by a boy far too crass Mind shattered, body broken, she doesn’t know how to rid her load Freudian conceptions showering down like broken glass And there she is, broken hearted, torn short skirt at the side of the road And as we head down life’s little road Never stopping to trim the roses Making the greatest stories never told. Everyone needs their very own Moses. Our blighted little coumpass battered beyond repair Dents wrought in the iron sheen, with every conflict and despair Those boyhood aspirations, would’ve served us well here. As we march into the howling dark, never riled to break the rope so queer Big Timothy, such a tourtured little boy Moma’s left, and daddy’s made him his stress toy Freud’s carefully placed scaffolding, torn down to the ground He fights and scuffles, bullys and toys. Then crawls home and cries without a sound Only the despondent, so mocked and shamed The misanthropic cretins, who see the ports of morrow Only they’ll have their diamond palace, golden named Only they’ll see it through, calloused mottled and immune to sorrow Bray and Chris, now where did they go wrong. Chris never liked girls, Bray never felt like a boy Fighting for bastion in each other, singing a secret little song. Both thrown out of their quiet homes, a misjudged fault in their poetic ploy The fine Freudian balance, teetering over the grinning river Pray they don’t up and walk away on a fragrant breeze Prey they don’t see another light, prey they don’t ignore gold and go for silver Pray they don’t see value in what they’d sworn away, letting their foresight freeze Now little johnny’s cleaned himself up, up and dropped away. Found the light at the end of his tunnel, now working the nine to five Little Susie wasn’t so inclined, OD’d and passed on one day No one remembered that sweet little girl, and in two short years, They forgot she was even alive. Big Tim’s moved on. Lord knows he’s singin’ another song He grew up a sorrowful sight, commanding criminals with his hateful might Living in a slum, driving a Caddy and buying guns for hire Murdering, partying, drinking and crying. Who’s to blame for his sinful mire Chris was killed one day, mown down by a faulty semi Poor Bray snapped in two, howling sorrow at the laughing dark. Nearly killed himself one way, parked in the garage with Chris’s Hemi He backed down, living as a shallow shell, staring at kids at the park. And as you can see, god’s reflective toys are we. The sociologist in the sky, most despondent from his game. The original sentient mind, watching our strife with guilty glee Created in god’s image alright, but we live by Schrödinger’s name But if you want a real song written by someone who knows what they're doing, i'd say Some Riot is the single most powerful thing in history.
  12. Here's some progress on Brass Beastie The tires i'm still working on. the wheels are supposed to be styled off of a traction engine. and i guess you could say the central lug on the knock off rims are... *sunglasses* Wing Nuts YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
  13. i think you missed a few of my points there By rolling backwards, yeah, backflips. it's neat, but good christ back off of it. it's a gimmick and paltry at best, and shouldn't come even close to castrating entire swathes of the vegas tracks like they do now. and the third point, you're right, the problem is, they're obligated by FELD to be "kid appropriate" or, sin of all sin, to not "misrepresent the brand". this is wrong and i doubt that's even them typing in the same way you'd doubt hitler if you're jewish. as for the points system, oggy had it figured out a while back, here's what i copypasted from his little thought book: ooProposed Monster Jam Points Layout First, Monster Jam must stick to four field sizes. 16 (Major Stadium Shows), 12 (Stadium Shows), 8 (fairgrounds), or 5 (Small Arena) ------------------------------- 16 Truck Events #1 Qualifier - 2 pts Racing Winner - 16 pts Racing Loser - 12 pts Semi Final Loser - 8 pts Semi Final Loser - 8 pts 2nd Round Loser - 4 pts 2nd Round Loser - 4 pts 2nd Round Loser - 4 pts 2nd Round Loser - 4 pts Freestyle winner - 16 pts 2nd - 12 pts 3rd - 10 pts 4th - 8 pts 5th - 6 pts 6th - 4 pts 7th - 2 pts 8th - 1 pts ----------------------------------- 12 Truck Events #1 Qualifier - 1 pts Racing Winner - 12 pts Racing Loser - 8 pts Semi Final Loser - 4 pts Semi Final Loser - 4 pts 2nd Round Loser - 2 pts 2nd Round Loser - 2 pts 2nd Round Loser - 2 pts 2nd Round Loser - 2 pts Freestyle winner - 12 pts 2nd - 8 pts 3rd - 6 pts 4th - 4 pts 5th - 2 pts 6th - 1 pts ------------------------------------ 8 Truck Fields #1 Qualifier - 1 pts Racing Winner - 8 pts Racing Loser - 4 pts Semi Final Loser - 2 pts Semi Final Loser - 2 pts Freestyle Winner - 8 pts 2nd - 4 pts 3rd - 3 pts 4th - 2 pts ------------------------------------ 5 Truck Fields Wheelie Contest Winner - 2 pts Racing Winner - 5 Racing Loser - 3 Semi Final Loser - 1 pts Semi Final Loser - 1pts Freestyle Winner - 5 2nd - 3 3rd - 2 ------------------------------------- Drivers can partake in as many events as they want. Their final points total is taken by averaging out their best 50% of their finishes. Ex.) Randy Brown runs 28 events in a season, the average of his 14 best events counts as his points total. WORLD FINALS TRUCK LINEUP -Top 16 drivers are eligible -IF two or more drivers in the top 16 are driving the same truck, the truck goes to the driver highest in the points standings. The remaining drivers are then taken out of the top 16, and the next eligible truck/driver combo is brought into the top 16. Ex.) Neil Elliott is #1, Meents is #2, Hartsock is #16, and Charles Benns is #17. Meents WOULD NOT make the world finals, Hartsock would move up to 15th, and Benns would now be eligible for the WF. as for the fifth point, people are like that, it's inevitible. Check the steam forums if you don't believe me. lastly, i was takling about the games, where you race through malls, gigantic outdoor settings, and christ forbid, gigantic skiball machines. (seriously. what the hell.) they do a few shows in gigantic outdoor places. like Naples Florida. that track is amazing
  14. i wish this was a movie, so i could get up, go out the door and asssemble some mega cooporation out of dust and indignation, but it's not, so i'm just going to stare angrily at a grave digger hot wheels die cast for a few hours
  15. Which is why we have to take this to monster jam instead of pattering about and beating about the bush
  16. This is true, world needs more overt consequences
  17. you never saw any of the batman films i take it
  18. This is something i've noticed with society today. This will get minorly into sociology so brace yourself and all that. The problem with a "free market" economy based society, IE basically what america is based on, is that it's inherently a catalyst for propping up sociopathic people as successful. (Sociopathic meaning that you have no concideration for other people's pain. You may sympathise, but have no part of other people's misfortune in your thought process) Which is why the market caved in on itself in 2008. People didn't think about how splicing up mortages would effect the market as a whole. and sold stock in a fragment on the stock market in order to expand the buisness of selling mortages to people who couldn't afford them, on the basis that they'd just resell the forclosed house and turn a profit. the problem being, that after said forclosure did happen, the people who invested in the mortage couldn't be found/held accountable, so there was a massive investment stalling, causing the breakdown. which we're still dealing with today. and a trickle down effect that we get from this, is market hyper localization, even to the point of age groups. Take the nineties, my personal Deus Ex Machina of arguments and sociology fights. In the ninties, yes, the idea of a localized market existed. Always has really, but they were willing to mix the "target" groups. A trait most easily demonstrated in cartoons. Off the top of my head, here's a list of cartoons, geared for kids, but watchable by everyone because they mixed the age groups and didn't worry about hyper localization. Gargoyles MEGAS XLR Samarai Jack Powerpuff Girls Animanics (HELOOOOOOOO NURSE) since i'm tired, that's a short list, but the idea is there. Gargoyles, for chrissakes, dealed with racism, xenophobia, social castes, cooporate power mingling with with political affairs, societies political stagnation, especailly when coming to building a party on a misconception, corruption of the justice system and even the ever shifting traits of people themselves, as well as the metal rhythms of society. The main villian isn't even a bad guy, even with a name like Xanatos, he's just a guy trying to make his own way, and that way clashes with the titular gargoyles. and all this from the show about neon colored deities punching up bad guys, batman style. Now to the point, the problem with modern society, is that our free market economy has inherently reached a saturation point. With the advent of the internet, anyone can learn anything, and have a well vouched foot in the door for whatever they want, leading any content/producer to hyper focus their market in order to stay viable, even if it means defacing the name of artistic integrity or any other sort of mature behaviour/handling of IP's, and monster jam has gone down that path sadly. The overt irony however, is that monster jam doesn't have to hyper focus their market. they're in a brilliant position, that any sane businessman would murder (and probably have) to get to. They have a monopoly on the monster truck market. They've built a grand franchise, to the point where they can produce better and better shows, and better and better machines to run in said shows, because they can afford to own a fleet of trucks, and pay pablo huffbaker/whoever else to think up new and fantastic ways to make them better and better. But because of the trend of market zenithing, and because that businessmen are inherently a pack animal, they think that they have to hyper focus their brand to attract and keep investors, with the painful irony that they'll probably loose the kid market as the children grow up, and are put off by the "kiddie" air of monster trucks. and who'd ever thought that would be said? The sad truth is, all monster jam really needs to do is shift the focus. Hell, they can even keep the kiddie market, as oggy said, he could follow PENDA perfectly as his kid, even going so far as naming his fish "Dan Runte" "Mark Hall" and "Snakebite". But, a preaching man without a solution is just a hyperboling critic, so here's what i say should happen. Firstly, monster jam has to fix their focus, which could easily done while preserving their kiddy market, introduce a point series, slap scott douglass and mark shroeder in the face and tell them to be serious, and not refer to the new CRD wolverine as "THE TRUCK THAT WON THE RACING CHAMPIONSHIP" even though it has all but nill to do with Brian Bartel, and keep a firm foot in reality, commenting on what it is, explaining complex concepts such as "frames" to children, and generally just maturing up a little. Secondly, love off with the stunting stuff. It's fine to have in freestyle, but dedicating entire shows to a truck rolling backwards is stupid. plain and simple. It's atrophying the mindset, stagnation in the metal department, just stupid in every sense of the term, not to mention detrimental to the brand in general. Thirdly, more accessibility to behind the scenes. not to a forced, camp degree like they're doing now, but just let the drivers be open on monsterjamonline or facebook. let them slag, belittle and joke in the open, and for loves sake, don't force it. After hearing a certain story from Dig, i had a sudden pity for Damon Bradshaw, and a malicious respect for Lee O'Donnel. Fourth, base the point series on driver by driver, not truck names. Fifth, nuture a community. Brand loyalty comes from forums, and social involvement, as we're all inherently associating everything we do to our inherent freudian "pack" instincts and projections. And they should stop making games, because it'll be a loss regardless, as there's no market for a realistic monster truck game, because FELD doesn't market monster jam in that way, so there's no interest. and kiddie RACING IN THE TRAINYARDS AND MOUNTAINS bullpoo will only be detrimental to the brand. end of story. /endrant
  19. He's not the villan that denver needs right now, but he's the one they deserve. sorry
  20. Well then it looses definition in the jumps and you can't see anything, since ROR's shader system is a basket of farts and garlic powder
  21. RORMJ truck. the body and frame were the same mesh for some arbitrary reason. i'd been mending the expedition to be more true to the original, and that's that mesh there. also, reposting due to instant burial
  22. could i have the photo you used for 30th? been meaning to model the skull, and i can't get any decent resolution pictures to trace over
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