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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. I have cautious optimism about halo 4. the thing about the halo series, is that you're a super powered walking tank with a bit of a personality problem. but at the same time, you're also "vulnurable" in the crux of context of both being both the last remaning hope of humanity (and christ that's contrived) and at the same time vulnerable against the flood. the inherent sense of detriment and minisculism comes from the contrasting of you (Superficially a "tiny" single man) against the forruners legacy as a concept. (IE massive superstructures and their bane, the flood) the thing is, i'm not certain that 343 can get what bungie did during halo 1/2. even bungie sort of forgot about it in reach/3/ODST. not to mention that any sort of explination about the forrunners (even if it is just their constructs) is inherently ruining the concept and the foreboding and imposing monlithic mystery. plus they seem to have dragged the covanent back in for no other reason then "Because lol", which bugs me. Not to mention the fact that elites are next to grunts and i'm assuming the rest of the covies. They're on neutral terms now, their very culture was abashed and severed by the higherarchy and they now collectivly know that the coive religion was inherently false, why the sensual bugger tarts are they back? multiplayer just seems to be microsoft's suit division looking at the massive amount of money schizophrenic bigoted 12 year olds and money that COD has and going "GOTTA GET ME SOME'O DAT". so they just staped a few of the skinnerbox techniques into they halo sandbox fingers crossed, bitterness in reserve.
  2. >historix muscle cars >cannonball run >skype and a few friends >nirvana try it
  3. That track needs a few set peices to make it feel better though. few alpha textured trees, mabye a building or two poking out. that sort of thing
  4. yeah, that track is looking legitimately good. tesselating textures are fun
  5. Protip: pure black is unshadable, so go with something a little more modest for the flames and match up the nose colour
  6. well yeah, the game doesn't have AI or any kind of sorting system that does work for you ala Source's new steamworks file compiler. Say you wanted to put blue thunder's body on a Willman instead of a CRD or patrick it's on now. Since the SM meshes aren't seperete peices for body/ricerback/bed/hood, becacuse flexbodies are apparently scary alien things from the future's dystopian world ruled by the antichrist and his dog moophy, it's all one mesh. Go into the truck file (open with notepad) and hit Control F. Now type in props 28,25,9, 0.45, 0.49, 1.05, 0, 90, 0, bluethunderbody.mesh that's the placement, followed by the mesh name, the game will the look for the mesh in the folder that the .truck nests in (along with everything else on the truck) Why we don't have seperate folders for textures/models/materials/other guff is beyond me. apparently that would just make too much bloody sense. anyway, that number is as follows ;ref,x,y,offsetx,offsety,offsetz,rotx,roty,rotz,mesh Ref means which node it uses as reference, so where the model's origin will sit if all the numbers are zero. Offset X/Y/Z is how far and in what direction you want to throw the mesh, while still using the original node as a parent for rotation/location in context of the truck itself. X is left and right, Y is forward and back, Z is up and down. Rotation XYZ is the same, just rotation. X rotates from the "Front" of the model origin (But this could be from the "top" if you modeled like a ponce), Y rotates from the "Top" (or again, from the "Front" if you're a ponce), and z rotates from the "side". unless you're a ponce, in which case good bloody luck. anyway, copypaste another truck file on a wilman (or the willman prop itself) and copypaste that mesh placement into the final .truck you want. there's more to explain, but frankly i'm tired and i'm going to model things while furiously humming the animaniacs theme
  7. and that's why i scripted blender to tell me if the scale is anything other then 1.0 when i export
  8. This'd be under the props and flexbody parts of a .truck file simply put, all those gibberish numbers are XYZ/R-XY, telling a mesh how to be placed using a node from the nodebeam as reference and rotation binding/parent, or three in the case of a camera. http://www.rigsofrod...s/RoRBook/Props this should explain more
  9. no but i mean just the creative spark, the actual graphic fidelity. it's all vanished in the wind. it's mad.
  10. Man i miss the MtM2 lunacy. There was even a track that was the first two levels of SMB complete with sound effects what happened to that stuff? seriously, i miss it.
  11. Is that the road and track shoot Legend grave digger? and you might want to clean up those redundant faces on the travel tire. every bit counts
  12. Just to add my thoughts, Meents at San Diego 2009, the funbox/kicker track. the way the course was set up, the kicker/mound/thing really took away from the scale of the air, but meents must've been about seventy feet above the ground. and we all know tom meents is made of kevlar and such, but in terms of sheer scale, that'd have to be the most stupefying for me
  13. but A: Unreal, source, cry engine and dozens of others will license their engines for open source/free games for no cost B: the OGRE graphics engine is actually wretchedly unoptimised and i'd garuntee you any of the engines i'd mentioned before actually run much better then ror while doing
  14. Megabyte's been on my list since i made the brutus body, which i want to redo anyway, but i can't find any reference for the maimi sponsored thing. if anyone could fire that along, the S10 was going to get done for WC anyway. easy done alongside
  15. Smokey clear plastic. i sort of got it working, i just need to fiddle with the alpha blending settings in a material, and i just haven't had the patience for it. the material i used used a 40% alpha rule for all pixels as opposed to an RGBA pixel by pixel basis. why can't ror have a graphics engine that isn't from 2002.
  16. Bumping this thread into general failiures here friends don't let friends microwave. and yes, it did actually catch fire and explode. house still smells like melted plastic and what used to be a perfectly good fud
  17. Not sure that you can really say that when pezo got a racing win this year. but then preadator and prowler literally fell to bits during a wheelie contest in california, so you might have a point after all
  18. Every time i remember that truck was almost called "wrecker breaker" i feel like tearing someone's face off with a screwdriver
  19. http://sim-monsters....nneapolis-2007/ WELP, THERE Y'GO
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U67DXZnNxc Continuing on ratty. got the frame mapped (One bloody tube at a time) and got about 40% of the interior guff done. got the eight ball shifter and such going. going to do some rat style pedals, got some guages modeled but not textured. thinking of doing slatted metal for lexan, but i'm not sure it'd add enough contrast we'll see yet.
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