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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. Steve Harlow: Dungeon Of Doom i thought it would be fitting for drag
  2. i remember having the original MTM2 demo back in '02 as a little bumpkin, first time i ever saw a monster truck. i remember scooting off the farm map (memory slips) to the plains with the train tracks as a giant hightened ramp, and just hitting it at absalute top speed, catching a good thirty seconds of air, and my eight year old mind going "is this how the real drivers train?" nostalgia'd
  3. iron warrior looks brilliant, something i wanted to do, but could never find the photos for. same with spellcaster, Moore's trucks always look so cool
  4. flatout 2 was infinatly better. FO:UC was just a graphical upgrade, and hitting the gameplay modes in the head with an angry brick having menstrual cramps plus, i learned to skin in FO2. albiet very badly, only worked with PDN.
  5. i vote for friday, nobody seems to have any scheduling complexions, and the sunday time is an hour before i get up usually
  6. i use this little bugger here works very well, i would reccomend it above a keyboard, but i haven't tried a wheel. personal preference i suppose
  7. Epik phail of the night: probably myself, i can't imagine anyone else going one hit wonder in this lineup FQ: probably JrTec in El Torro. Racing: dig or Excalibur Freestyle: anyone's game, but i would favor RKM. Pathetic running gag award: me again, for when i succumb to the urge of recapping the event in limerick form like the last time
  8. Elbow such awesome music, and i dont say awesome lightly
  9. i had some fun with vector masks and the warp tool last night then i made this skin
  10. crazy did a tutorial on the site, which you can find here http://sim-monsters.com/forums/index.php?app=tuts&module=tuts&section=tuts&t_id=2 just keeps everyone out of trouble welcome to the fourms
  11. well, i think i can help you there, get AIM and find me at Kurtwylde1@hotmail.com welcome to the fourms. I hope that you enjoy your stay
  12. kurt isn't actually my name, it was a charicter name from a movie from when i was a kid, been using it for years. anyway, that logo format looks great. and for some reason, i'm irrefutably proud to be in this list
  13. Bigfoot pack i just put in the Downloads section, lot of work went in from a bunch of guys, go crazy http://sim-monsters.com/forums/index.php?/files/file/60-classic-bigfoot-pack/
  14. well, i hoped to do better in racing, but horribly overdrove my qualifying pass, so i drew graves and lost horribly. Freestyle was alright, hope to actually be competitive in the finals
  15. that cult looks AWESOME no other word for it, spot on
  16. quick showcase of a few of my skins, Models are Roaches work and Outlaws work depending on context
  17. if i may say, what does everyone have against flexbody? i think its fantastic
  18. well, i hope to not suck this weekend. i've learned that i actually suck with music on, so, with any luck, there should be an improvement this week. can't wait to see the track
  19. users > whateveryourusernameis > documents > rigs of rods > vehicles
  20. watched it, i didn't mean to ragequit, i didn't know i was supposed to drive out the door. almost beat dig, lost by a few truck lengths in round 2, failed in freestyle, gonna have to go hard next week if i have any hope of top eight, the commentary was hilarious. i hope this becomes permanent, had a great time in chat. can't wait for next week
  21. that looks awesome gonna be a blast tonight
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