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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. Well that was a heap of fun. probably the first event in a while where nobody was tearing down anyone else. seemed we were all there for a spot of fun. here's hoping for mroe
  2. Queens of The Stoneage + nirvana equals this
  3. A few of the concepts i'm throwing together for Season 2 i got a cyborg dealie going on, but that's gonna take a looooooooong time
  4. that would fit better on a ford methinks
  5. Well, if ever you want to learn photoshop, i'd be happy to help. If it hasn't been said yet, welcome to the fourms, i think you'll be a great addition
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zH1f4mdfkis you can replace the blender bit with right clicking the XML's and changing the materials with notepad
  7. Interesting look, but if i may add some suggestions. the base black should just be slightly brighter then black, just so the game has something to shade. also, what paint tool do you use? because if it's photoshop, you can just select (i'd use colour range) the bandanna, then hit control U, to open the Hue/lightness/saturation menu, slide the hue scroller and get a similar effect while keeping the details of the mask without resorting to the fill tool.
  8. I have a dilema, its my Grandperants anniversary this week. and i wanted to send them something special. when i was up over spring break, i took this photo I photoshopped these two versions, but i cant decide which is better to send off to them. i wanted to put their wedding vows over it faintly, but i can't think of what else anyway, these
  9. no roof shots yet, so i improvised playing with materials to make it look shiny like the actual paint, but so far all i've managed to do is this
  10. Tweak sends me this and a little while later. needs quite a bit of work and some colour balancing, but it's getting there
  11. Well, i guess i'm not running ratted out tomorrow. Third time i re-exported and rewrote the .truck, and every time it got worse with bits disappearing.
  12. what's this? grave digger and Figboot at the same time? also, you had to know i'd do this
  13. I really hope you're a troll, because this is insane And on topic: Could i run my slightly custom Jurrasic in the season, or does it have to be 100% replica?
  14. One night of effort, still needs work, few details like sponsors some corrections and some shading
  15. I nostalgia'd EA deserves a giant medal for that little trinket, brings back great memories of NFS, especially aquatica in the Schigera racing LeadFoot in a Diavlo. good times
  16. Unfortunatly, the Duke never comes early. Also, portal 2 is quite possibly one of the best games ever made, the pacing is brilliant, the story is an incredible expansion of portal 1, the levels and scale of the game are mind breaking and the puzzles are absalutly insane.
  17. That was max, i've just been echoing it since then. One thing i think is missing is video tutorials for blender and general workabouts, text doesn't really convey things the way video does most of the time
  18. Rat rods man, they aren't supposed to look good, they're supposed to look like this But i like it, i have plans for it.
  19. Steve Harlow: Ratted out if i can't finish it in the next three weeks, i'll nab Prowler, since i never got to race it
  20. I think it's Time Flies Sun Uva Digger is a jeep type thing crossed with diggy. Also, Progress, including some pinstriping i did on the hood and a surf board, because cali rods aren't cali until it's a surf wagon
  21. RKM isn't the only one buildin' a rat rod Art is all mine, been abusing a rust brush for everything else, Haven't even started on the body yet. can't wait to see how this turns out
  22. Well the hood is small and i'm lazy. and yeah the original name is Flys, but this
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