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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. Drew it from scratch, nothing but the logos is from any hand but mine. Thoughts?
  2. quite possibly the coolest promo shot for a street legal vehicle ever. also, what's the full tally on this? doesn't look cheap
  3. How have i not posted here. Deora2dude I'm mainly in Reach, DiRT 2, halo 3 aaaaand that's about it, i'm mainly on steam
  4. Great start, but the ground texture is too sharp, perhaps something a little more far off would suit better. And all the jumps send the trucks a little to vertical, maybe try a little smoother gradients on the ramps. other then that, great challenge to drive, can't wait for more
  5. I made it, never finished it. might finish it up after goldberg
  6. you do realize that ROR has a built in screencap right? just hit print screen
  7. that would be awesome, but there are two things standing in the way 1) good god, lag 2) no collision online, which sucks. if i may reccomend Flatout 2 on steam for demo derbies, that was a great ball of fun
  8. Welcome to the fourms, if you have any questions that can't be ansewred here then find me on AIM as Kurtwylde1@hotmail.com Hope to see you racin' eh?
  9. i know, i think i messed up the material, since i pretty much did it by hand with the guidance of the ROR wiki. Yes, Yes i was.
  10. Gentlemen This is one of those win/fail moments. when i imported the chassis, the materials vanished and i never got the chromulation working right. Help would be appreciated
  11. Image Dump. Taken yesterday Taken over spring break
  12. when the season starts there's a giant announcment and a signup thread. its rather hard to miss when it happens, the first signup thread was at top postings for about two weeks
  13. here's an underapreciated band http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flkByutsgTg amazing to think there's only two of them
  14. hopkins already sent me a big 5000x5000 image of a decal sheet with that on it. it's all fixed now, thanks anyway
  15. if anyone has a better picture of Meents, this was a screen cap from the Knex ad still needs a little polishing. mabye a big meents pack
  16. still needs some major shading and cleanup work, but i'm happy for the first time i've seen it textured
  17. and here i thought i was the only one who remembers blackadder. Hough larrie as the prince regent, best performance he ever did
  18. Playing halo reach on my friend's account while he went to get some food yesterday Triple kill extermination, as opposed to the overkill that is required. wat
  19. i am glad for the lack of madusa in a bikini on Madusa
  20. jim kohler gets a little mcguyver when he finds no water on the track
  21. wow, both avenger and shock therapy that fast. that's downright amazing
  22. i hope so, looks a far stretch more vicious.
  23. so, out of curiosity, since one event is one fridays, where does KOTH fit in? besides that, i like the split league qualify in idea, i think this'll work extremely well
  24. this is the Urban Assault skin, but i never tried touching up photos, might give reworking this a shot. thanks for the kind words at the least
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