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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. yeah, when i took that picture in blender, i had ruffed up my three base colours and their respective vector masks fixed, thanks for the praise everyone the eyes do need work, and pouncer is on the list
  2. Here's something, started last night, 98% hand done, including the stripes, which i traced from pictures with a soft brush. Still very work in progress, but i'm happy with it
  3. good to see you still alive XD

  4. i wondered when that model was going to turn up bang up job
  5. ok, that was the pain olympics of monster trucks who wants to estimate repair times? i'm guessing six days minimum, $20,000 in cost
  6. i think its a combination of the lighting in that spot and the fact that i didn't have the "better for gradiants" setting in photoshop on, i think that might be what you're referencing. still, glad you like it, still needs some scaling here and there
  7. Smokin' rims for some Hot Wheels courtesy of roach Crazyman
  8. good deal, zimmer really needs to show that he belongs at the top
  9. Welcome to the fourms. ROR is a bit intensive, but if you set it up right it can run acceptably on some older machines in my experience as long as you dont mind how it looks.
  10. now those are nice, that bridge shot is fantastic, if a bit dim
  11. right, him mabye i'm just overthinking him, but from what i've seen on televised events, he's crazy, snapping the rear wheels off at Huston and rolling the Rotty endover elsewhere.
  12. i think a bigger discussion is going to be the track if you think about it, this year was a MASSIVE change in the track layouts, with several new obsticles and a veriety of new ideas coming from the track makers. obviously they aren't going to change the racing layout, but after WFXI, which even dennis wasn't happy with (too big) i'm just wondering how much the track is going to change, shrink, grow or even step sideways. hopefully we'll see the end of the giant bigass dirt mountain down the right side, just my thoughts on that also, i think its about time that madman behind the wheel of the Rotty got a chance, his name escapes me, but he's wreckless and craig Christionson, his only shot at Freestyle lasted all of two seconds, give him a chance with his maximum liestruction
  13. unless someone were daft enough to read your signature, the best secrets are ill kept ones. still, OT, the track is mystifying me, arena could be anything from two sets of cars to Ethan's chicago map. oh, the mind wanders
  14. my clock reads 1:01 so i'm assuming i'm in the clear Steve Harlow: Black Bull. see if i can actually run it this time 'round, seems addicted to arenas
  15. Well thanks for telling me it isn't done, i'm notoriously bad at judging my own stuff. i'm not quite sure what you're after, but one problem that i know is there, is that the UV is mapped really weird on the bed, i mean just look at the flames, they just chop up, i might take a stab at remapping the bed, who knows. if you wouldn't mind telling me what else is wrong with it, i wouldn't mind it at all
  16. little something, nearly done, all the flames line up from the grille to the hood, i think its about done really
  17. that was the idea, yup i like how it came out, no effort at all was put in
  18. Fun with brush spam and Emboss, made it for RHCP for teh lulz
  19. this explains the monster truck we saw in the Duke trailer a few weeks ago, its bigfoot 4!
  20. gracious thanks to the guy who made the original dozer skin, for leaving the fur texture around the fenders
  21. took me a second to realize what you did with that Nitro Circus, i love it and man oh man, that breakable node structure looks like its going to come out incredible, can't wait to see the finished product
  22. well this was unexpected brilliant looking, can't wait to have a go with it
  23. Well what the hell, here's some more all taken on the same day, minus the last one I have no idea what happened here, i guess i pulled the shutter while moving, looks kinda neat i think
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