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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. wow man, epic sunset for silhouettes, its best to have something large, trees usually dont work, but that sure as hell did.
  2. i had a blast, everything went better then i had anticipated. i thought i would at least loose to Robson, but somehow it didn't happen, thanks for the future heart attack, i thought my head was going to burst from the pressure exiting that turn. great track, watching and running FS was great, as Sidwinder said, it really does feel like a real event. hope for more in the coming weeks, thanks everyone
  3. awesome, always had a softspot for war wagon. and i had some ideas for a nomad i've been tossing about, can't wait to get my paws on that in other news, not particularly ROR related, but i'm trying my hand at animating in blender, and i got a delicious pre animation skeletoned MEGAS model from Deviant art. this here's just the first frame i rendered, didn't have the time to do a full render For some reason, i can only ever get MEGAS to be textured, and i have everything set to textured, and set the models to look for Gravedigger.dds gravediggerframe.png and gravediggertire.png, without any luck, if someone could help me with that, that would be fantastic
  4. is it me, or does thunder chicken look like a rolling A&W ad?
  5. just put up into the downloads section enjoy
  6. ooh, do show i only had one image to work with, google wasn't turning up anything. it was a rather bright day apparently, glad someone can cover my mistakes
  7. sorry, i was waaaaaay off with race stripe
  8. *raises hand and bounces* looking brilliant, can't wait to be the poster boy of a one round wonder
  9. Halomaps FTW, coldsnap CTF, nobody's after the damn flag. twelve kilometeres across, mechs, giant crawling nuke on a stick tanks, dozens of hogs, longswords, shortswords, pelicans, jet fighters, superspeed ghosts, instakill snipers, nuke statchels. hoo rah
  10. you had best have Custom Edition as well, so much fun.
  11. TF2. CounterStrike Source L4D2 All Half Life's (including Blue Shift/opposing force, somewhere i got Decay) Portal Halo Custom Edition (race on yoyoast Island anyone?) Garry's Mod anyone up for a round of TF?
  12. Still very WIP, the headlights need fixin' and the logo needs blending, the fender flames need unpixilation and for some reason the UV map tga i was using leaked into the image but, idea's there
  13. that thing looks brilliantly evil. i love it
  14. man i can't even fail right. second last qualifying, first round loss when i had the thing in reverse, failed a move i had down all night, and then i still get second last aw well, had a blast, good run everyone
  15. might be home pretty close to five, it might be cut close. so please don't write me off
  16. sounds fun for those freestyle impaired, good practise with pressure.
  17. if you're using Firefox, hit Control J after you download it, and right click the file, this brings you to where you saved it to it also may have been saved to the temp folder, which is erased when you exit whatever explorer you might be using
  18. Kranked, may i suggest adding a little nubbin on the corner on the side ramp under the red car. it just seems like a dead zone, and the sort of spot that could break a neat combo move depending on the rest of the course. still, that said, that thing looks deliciously dangerous to hit. can't wait to see it ingame
  19. three different trucks

    fun with vector masks

  20. you will be invited to a chat, and the information is given and qualifying happens then and there
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