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Everything posted by Mjamfan22

  1. File Name: Lake City 2012 File Submitter: monster jam fan File Submitted: 17 Jul 2012 File Category: Tracks Enjoy! not my best track. not at all but its cool. i've got a big project coming up next Click here to download this file
  2. Wait whoaaaaaa i dont have ur wf13? Thats not even wf13. Dude what the heck?
  3. but like stephen said. they come to see digger and max d win
  4. im feeling a custom world finals 2...............again obsticles from past WF. but my next one will be my own.
  5. No but george didnt have issues he was fine to race but the offials sad go anyway
  6. Didnt really want to start a new topic but oh well. If you watched MJ in dallas. In racing max d and george raced an max d won. Well he went on to face el toro but had issues so max d was hauled out and el toro got a bye. Now in the rules george should have ran against el toro but didnt. The officials told el toro to go without george. Your thoughts??
  7. Yea i know its not that good bc i made it months ago. But thats why im making a 2 now... Spoiler
  8. Trust me you can see it. I have it in game. The jumps are very noticable
  9. 941 downloads

    Enjoy! not my best track. not at all but its cool. i've got a big project coming up next
  10. not painting it. just going to keep this on simple
  11. Make your vote now. which one you like better. 1. 2. 3.kinda sandy. i dont like it but
  12. Ohhhh my bad, but it doesnt overwrite in mine. I put all zip tracks in packs
  13. Thats not my track is it? If so the scoreboard is wrong and the container is unless you changed it
  14. NOTICE* if you want my custom workd finals not as slippery. Go to the downloads an look at the comments.
  15. Ok everyone. If you want it none slippery go into the zip pick out the 2 odef files. Open those 2 and where u see friction change it to grass if u dont want it slippery, then save. Hope this helps if u dont like it slippery
  16. File Name: Custom World Finals 1 File Submitter: monster jam fan File Submitted: 14 Jul 2012 File Category: Tracks Enjoy! This is myt custom world finals i work hard on. Credits: Me SM Crew Klayton Click here to download this file
  17. At first i thought that was in ror
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