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Posts posted by RKM

  1. A lot of things wrong and expect updates to the rules and an announcement in the next few days concerning issues such as this.

    1. This is in the wrong section.
    2. See below and the included link to the rules section.
    • You cannot post any affiliate or referral links, or post anything asking for a referral. Such posts will be subject to removal.
    • You cannot post advertisements or notices for contests.
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  2. This might not be the exact or specific answer you want but it should give you a relatively good idea as to the why. Most of the downloads were previously hosted on the site until it got to the point of people uploading absurdly sized zips because of poor habits in texture sizing (looking at you mr 8000x8000 solid image texture) which rapidly made the cost of the site skyrocket to the point of I believe were were informed by @liquidfire215 that it all needed to be moved offsite or they were considering raising the monthly payment to something in the 4 digit range or just outright removing the site. I don't think any of us really expected the site to get as big as it has, we don't sell anything or make any profit outside of donations or ad revenue and even the donations from what I can recall are quite rare since a large chunk of the user base is not of the working age range yet. I've thought about suggesting some type of store with basic things in the past but kind of figured it'd cost too much and not garner enough profit for it to be relevant. @Outlawed May be able to give you a better or more informative answer than myself.

    There were other sites besides MediaFire but a lot of them no longer exist or would just delete your files or account the second they had too many people using the service, I personally always try to upload anything of mine to Google Drive in addition to MediaFire for those who don't wish to venture near MediaFire. The main reason for a lot of the sketchy ads they use is largely to do with their commonplace use of illegal activities. Google Drive will scan files for viruses provided they are below 100MB but if you've downloaded anything from Sim-Monsters recently you know some of the file sizes are rather ridiculous if we're being honest.


    I highly recommend uBlock Origin and some sort of Pop Up Blocker if you are an active user of the internet.

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  3. 17 hours ago, CMDeerfoot said:

    Not sure this site is "inactive" exactly considering stuff is regularly posted in various areas on here (including this train wreck of a thread), but that isn't the point that needs to be made here.

    The point that needs to be made is that this is quite possibly the most pointless thread ever posted, like there is literally zero reason for this thread to exist on this forum since the stupidity that occurred took place outside of this forum. And you think being called a pleb is bad, I've had every possible insult thrown at me in games and irl; stuff that would literally get you fired from a job. Granted these people shouldn't treat others like crap, but today's society is basically built around bullying others even though we're well aware of the potential consequences. Regardless of that, you all need to realize that you're having arguments over a video game that is supposed to be played to have fun and forget the troubles of the outside world for awhile. Please take a minute and try to realize just how much of a waste of time and energy it is to be fighting over pointless crap like this, and even more so to bring a private matter from a private group onto a public forum to try and gain some sort of sympathy or support for a situation that is beyond childish.

    Could not have said it better myself, I do not understand why people constantly bring stuff that happens outside of Sim-Monsters onto the site expecting us to do something. If it did not happen on this website or within this specific Sim-Monsters.com community there is literally nothing we can do but sympathize. I've had far worse things said to me in and out of any game and that does include from within this very community mind you, sometimes it is much better to just get up and walk away for a bit and I mean literally get up from your computer and walk away not just theoretically speaking and then come back so your not in the heat of the moment. This is the sort of drama that drove a lot of people away from posting and competing in leagues and why in some cases it's hard to get a popular league running.


    Issues outside of Sim-Monsters.com do not belong anywhere on this site, we do not control every aspect related to monster truck games nor would we want to. Any drama arisen from private or public groups that have nothing to do have anything to do with Sim-Monsters.com should be kept in their original groups and/or communities. When someone brings a topic like this to our community it makes everyone look bad. I'll also add just to throw it out there that most of these Facebook groups or "free" communities are run by children because they can't pay for an actual website or forum software and unlike some of them we do actually have rules, you may not like some of them but they are there for a reason.

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  4. On 8/17/2019 at 5:18 PM, fernBurn said:

    Believe it or not, YouTube is taking most of the eyes that were once attracted to the site. You see leagues, truck unveilings/teasers,  music videos, etc..  

    Maybe open up a thread for videos or reach out to those that only post content on YT to "partner" up with Sim Monsters? Such as promoting the site on their videos, having their videos on the site, or something to that affect.

    A lot of trucks and tracks are found on YT channels but never make their way to the Downloads section for one reason or another. Is it possible to ask the YT channel to upload their content onto the site as a means of promoting their channel?

    Tutorials are lacking and i have been meaning to make some clear cut videos. If anyone can help me snag a good screen recorder (bc Bandicam is trash lol) that would be appreciated.

    just spit balling ideas here, so if you need calrification. lmk


    As far as what i want to see from the site, I would have to say that progression and unity are the biggest things.

    More creators. More diverse content.

    I do think a big part of what made the site so active was having leagues that ran and uploaded videos of an event the same week or week after it happened instead of what seems to be several months if at all (you know who I'm talking about), it's a nice attempt but likely to not draw a crowd in.


    You can use either of these for streaming and/or recording without streaming: OBS is free and I think Xsplit has a free version you can try.


    I may still have some tracks but I'd have to look and see but I'd probably just start over at this point if I'm able to get blender to work with me on my current computer and yes it would directly connect to potential feature events as I don't really care much for racing outside of just getting to play around and see what I can do and I know I suck at racing and sadly most events rely on being able to qualify in which I feel also severely dissuades newcomers from wanting to compete. Perhaps a league solely for new racers or older ones looking to get back into it could be one way to attract more activity. I know it's also generally frowned upon but perhaps an actual prize of some sort on the line for winning a feature event or major league would also create interest again.

  5. RoR of any version is not very well optimized, most people are lucky if they can handle 4 trucks at a time anything more than 2 however for online play should be considered good and anymore than that should be considered a bonus whether it be online or off.

  6. It's likely cheaper to buy the parts and build it yourself provided you have the space and knowledge to do so which would be useful regardless if you had prior knowledge or not so you'd have some kind of idea how to work on it because let's face it, it will break at some point no matter what. :) I don't really have a lot to add that would be of value since I've been more of a casual follower the past few years but I haven't seen anything mentioned about a plan to move the truck around to events once built. I do find it quite nice to have an actual discussion about the inner workings of the trucks here though since most of the older places with that sort of information have fallen off or been replaced by Facebook groups. Good luck and do keep us posted as I'm sure a lot of people here would be interested in seeing it come together.  You've probably already found links to some of these but these are just the ones I can remember. (ps don't forget about safety)






    Only thing I have to add is I'm mildly disappointed not a single mention was given to Racesource but that's more of a personal preference. :) 

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