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Everything posted by RKM

  1. I am probably one of the very few who has been genuinely happy that Kreg was added to the Max-D camp from day 1. Avenger Monster Mutt Blue Thunder (My honest opinion should have won, I think Tom's save gave him a slight edge plus the fact Pablo didn't get much into bonus time.)
  2. Yep, I'm pretty sure that the finals will come down to Iron Man vs Titan but I still am not 100% sure who is going to win so I would say it's 50/50 on those 2 and Hooked will probably make it past round 2...if he doesn't flip.
  3. Crashes and flipping already...we ready for WF11 all over again? Also for the Young Guns Shootout, racing and freestyle winner I will probably make desktops of sometime during the week and maybe others if it interests some.
  4. I never liked the back-flip and sadly I think it will become more and more common until the worst possible outcome arises and puts an end to it...and honestly the back-flips everywhere is why I keep slowly fading away from following monster jam.
  5. I wouldn't rule out that this is some sort of test for future events...maybe not just the world finals either...would be cool if they let us see the encores but if not there is always YouTube.
  6. You Canadian bastard. Looks good but a but strange with the small Avenger name compared to the rear fender...also not 100% sure that will be the body he runs though.
  7. FACT You can never have too much digital media storage.
  8. I don't really have a fear of riding with bad drivers but more being around bad drivers. Wasps/Bees...I don't really care for bats either Standing near a large drop-off/ledge/cliff with nothing to save you Not a big fan of airplanes but they don't seem to be too much of a worry anymore I don't have any desire to experience getting hit by any type of vehicle I don't enjoy being scared much because I'm more of afraid that I would seriously injure them as an involuntary reaction Not really a fear but I constantly over-think and play out 20 scenarios for any type of action that I might find myself in Spiders, snakes etc never really bothered me since we have a mutual agreement to not attack each other...that's pretty much all I can think of.
  9. Don't remember what all I've posted in here but here is some stuff I found, nothing new though as my camera removed itself from life support a few months ago so the only thing I have as far as a camera goes is my phone for now. The last one is pretty much how I would describe the Bloomsburg Jamboree...sorry if I posted any of these already.
  10. Any NHL game that is on and not blacked out, usually sleep with NHL Network or The Weather Channel on. Hawaii Fiv-0 (the remake, watched the old a few time as well though) Top Gear UK NCIS NCIS: LA Top Gear US Any form of auto racing if there is no hockey on Chicago Fire CSI: Las Vegas CSI: New York Burn Notice Ridiculousness Gearz That's about it for shows I'll sit and watch really, any monster truck stuff I just watch on YouTube.
  11. RKM


    Both true but obviously Mr.Brian isn't ready to move on yet.
  12. RKM

    MTM2Draggers News

    I know some of us don't go to it nearly as often or hardly ever but currently the site mtm2draggers.net is no longer in METH'S control however I did a little research and it seems he is interested in keeping it alive but it will now be mtm2draggers.com so make sure you remember whenever it goes live. mtm2draggers.net Creation Date: 17-nov-2004 Expiration Date: 17-nov-2012 Just figured I'd pass the information along to those here.
  13. RKM

    2nd gear

    Racing I usually shift while in the air over the first jump to 2nd and stay there unless the turns are extremely tight like part of Fall Madness II, freestyle I usually stay with 1st but go back and forth sometimes if it's a large track like Springfield/Indy. If there are no jumps at the start of the racing track then I usually just start in 2nd just watch you don't stall on the line or you're going to have a bad time.
  14. Not sure if you're referring to me or not but I never got the track to actually work in-game because it was sent as a folder not a .zip but regardless I always check texture sizes and if anything is over 1024x1024 I re-size them. The good news is there are a lot of ways to alleviate lag but if you still have a bad frame rate after that then there is usually nothing else that can be done. Good general FPS guide is by yourself offline on any track between 60-80FPS and then for online play you can drop about 20-40FPS depending on what the other truck(s) are... the more detailed they are the lower the FPS.
  15. I'm sure you can find someone to change it over to V4. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/308-sand-king/
  16. That issue is far more common then you'd think, and one of the reasons I want train horns....they just don't care and think any vehicle they cut in front of can stop on a dime and if people running into you is a serious worry and you have close calls daily I would buy a dash-cam. The reason they're so popular in Russia is because of similar things and you can go read up on them some more if you'd like...but that is the short story on why Russia is the dash-cam capital of the world.
  17. Project overload this thread has become! Time to watch some hockey then figure out what I want to do to this thing.
  18. Like I said earlier I would having something worth posting...
  19. I just may have to resurrect my old Joker custom after seeing that, and HotShoe it makes me sad I can't play tracks with a lot of cars on them after seeing that.
  20. I went back through this thread a little bit ago and seen I didn't really post much of my painted cars, plus I've been thinking about getting in to painting some custom stuff again since I can't really play any games on this thing or race online. Combination of one of my previous cars and some graphics from Casey.
  21. Almost every independent team has a full-time business behind the monster trucks, pretty much seems to be the only way it will work out...I actually can't think of any off the top of my head that don't have some sort of business.
  22. Have to agree with Brian, the only truck I've had it happen to me with was Max-D and it would have probably done it with any other truck, usually a a missive side-slap is what does the trick and if you're landing like that all the time then read the post above.
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