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Everything posted by RKM

  1. I'll toss a vote in for Mulisha as well, also awesome job on the tires and the body...I have one minor request though, can you include the .blend of it for those who wish to use it? I have a few ideas for it that could be pretty awesome if I actually finish them.
  2. As a past MTM2er I changed my chat button to T instead of Y/Enter (I think one of those was the default) C will cycle the camera you can also use the numpad keys to adjust the camera view as well. U turns on/off the UI/gauges and F will bring up your memory usage and fps for RoR.
  3. You can beg a moderator or admin to change it or you can do it yourself once you reach a certain amount of posts though I do not remember what the post count is to unlock that.
  4. Consider yourself lucky, I can't even get that...unless you consider 5-8FPS decent. If I buy or build a PC in the future I'd definitely buy it but as it stands right now I will be one of those left behind should SM switch to BeamNG.
  5. YouTube could be a safe bet considering we all go there anyway because none of us want to wait 4months for a show we could watch 3 days or sooner after it occurred plus all the repeats in the past few years got really really old to the point I don't even watch Monster Jam on TV. Plus they have already tested some types of live streaming recently so I wouldn't be surprised one bit to see it completely absent from network television simply because I think even the networks were getting tired of the same old crap and treating every fan like they know absolutely nothing and not trying to further educate them on certain matters. I know if it was my network I wouldn't be too happy airing repeats constantly because the editors for Monster Jam apparently do not have any sense of time and zero live shows. I think it will be YouTube or none at all to be 100% honest...
  6. Which is something we would totally do if it were one of our creations. FINAL HOUR!
  7. RKM

    X Games 2013

    It should renamed to the not as extreme games. No Moto X best trick just in X Games just isn't X Games to me. As far as the too dangerous blame goes they owe almost their entire existence and success to the levels of danger there are, many motocross freestyle riders have been injured or killed in the past and regardless of X Games or not it's likely that it will still happen because accidents can and do happen. The fact there has been only one death directly related to an incident during X Games says something about their safety precaution and preparedness. I used to watch only for the Moto stuff in the past until Rally and the Big Air Ramp were added but that is all I watch and usually most of the BMX stuff. If there isn't anything else on to watch or whatever I was watching gets to be very boring then I just toss X Games on for something to watch even if it isn't something I necessarily enjoy watching.
  8. Because I'm not the person deleting or fixing them anymore.
  9. Believe that is the one that you can not do group chats with.
  10. 1. Grave Digger because I'm not allowed to drive it. 2. Maximum Destruction (I don't think that needs an explanation) 3. Anything...and I mean anything.
  11. RKM


    Same way I found him however I'm probably in the minority who found him via related videos from PewDiePie's Happy Wheels. Can't go wrong with Markiplier Drunk Minecraft and Happy Wheels. I also enjoyed some boring nights of his older playthroughs before my internet decided it was a worthless piece of crap. Don't really get the hate on PewDiePie, you don't like him ok leave it at that. I like both of them but all of the YouTubers I watch have some stuff I don't particularly like but I don't go around complaining about it.
  12. Nicely executed, I like it but if there is one thing I would change and that would be to put black tinted or aftermarket headlights on it to match the tail lights and drawing.
  13. Been some good racing so far but sadly after an accident in the early laps Aston Martin driver Allan Simonsen has succumbed to his injuries. (http://auto-racing.speedtv.com/article/le-mans-simonsen-killed-in-early-race-accident/) (http://jalopnik.com/le-mans-driver-allan-simonsen-killed-in-horrific-crash-541288338) R.I.P. Allan Simonsen Second racing death in 2 weeks Anyone else watching the remainder of this race?
  14. It still isn't a racing Sim though.
  15. It will make the battle a little closer but I think Microsoft has quite a hole to dig themselves out out after the disastrous start to it.
  16. RKM

    Spin Tires

    For anyone who wants to be more involved with Spin Tires or follow more closely they now have their own forum. http://www.oovee.co.uk/forum/
  17. Not 100% sure but I've seen comments on various other websites noting that the Kinect bit needs to be on if you want to play anything or use your Xbox One at all but no one seems to really know just yet so I believe that is still 50/50. The internet issue will likely not be an issue for most but if anyone is worried about their internet having issues then you probably shouldn't be looking at the Xbox One...one of the other killers early off for MS will be the region lock compared to the non region lock on the PS4. I personally don't like the internet needs for the XB1 as I have had issues with my internet such as random outages or going completely out for a day or two...given that I still would probably leave the console of my choice connected all the time whether it was needed to be or not. Should be interesting to see what (if anything) Microsoft does to fix any of the potential issues.
  18. RKM

    RIP Jason Leffler

    R.I.P. Lefturn http://jalopnik.com/nascar-racer-jason-leffler-died-from-blunt-force-neck-i-513317918 Blunt force neck injury...let's not discuss possible safety equipment issues here, that should be done in a new thread.
  19. Hold a final show and invite Tom Meents and let him destroy the place.
  20. I still have no idea what I am doing.
  21. RKM

    The Weather Thread

    The SPC (Storm Prediction Center) has issued a PDS Tornado Watch (Particularly Dangerous Situation) along with the first High Risk forecast for this year, stay safe if you're in any of the areas forecast to be affected by these storms. http://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/watch/ww0298.html http://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/outlook/day1otlk.html
  22. Yeah that pretty much killed the Xbox One from my personal perspective.
  23. Saving my money for PS4, would like to just get something I can play current games on and with how long it would take me to save up to build a PC I'd be waiting at least 2 more years or longer. So which will you get or which one would you rather have? EDIT: Before everyone and their dog come in saying PC is better blah blah blah...this is the console forum not PC forum...they all have their own pros and cons...WE KNOW.
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