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Double.D ッ

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Everything posted by Double.D ッ

  1. Your post was 100% trying to start an argument by saying "You still fans of them?". Don't play dumb.
  2. Why are you in here trying to stir sh*t up?
  3. Well, he's obviously not showing it this year. I get that he has new shocks and everything, but the seasons almost over. I don't think you can blame not enough testing when the season started almost two months ago.
  4. Adam's Digger was much more damaged than I thought judging from the picture of the front that was posted. This was before they started repairs:
  5. I'm happy to see Charlie back in Mutt. Gonna be odd to see him drive without the horribly angled (yet cool) Merc body on his chassis.
  6. Well that doesn't seem incredibly top-heavy or anything. Hopefully that's just with the shocks gassed all the way up.
  7. Did I ever mention that I like lights?
  8. February 24, 2016 Earlier today, we were handed a letter down from the management of SMRA. In short, the letter stated that Joshua Micks' aquisation was deemed illegal within the rules of SMRA. As of today, Joshua Micks' contract has been nullified and we are down to the six members we had before. We ask for no further questions as we would like to take this time to mourn the loss of a dear friend from our team. rip jeshua
  9. February 23, 2016 Photo credit: Joshua Micks We know he'll do us proud.
  10. Kozak comin to lock this thread
  11. thats a bit of a blanket statement dontcha think
  12. not even cam mcqueen can save this savagery
  13. No recovering from this spit roast
  14. you do realize the wall at the vatican isnt really supposed to keep people out...right?
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