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Double.D ッ

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Everything posted by Double.D ッ

  1. Thanks for your suggestions. And don't worry, even though the train horns aren't physically there, the sounds are still in the truck!
  2. The more things change the more they stay the same. Five years ago I was bored in a high school government class, so I doodled an idea for a monster truck, with the simple basis being an old-school style paint on a modern truck. With some help (a lot of help) from @worldfinals, we came up with this: It was my first real effort put into a paint, looked pretty bad, but I was proud of it. Fast-forward 5 years and 5 different iterations of Deja Vu, each varying in retro-ness and modern-ness, and we get to today, where Deja Vu 1 gets reimagined: Very happy with how everything turned out, and huge props to @Mr. Beardman for the flame work.
  3. Every time they update the scheme it just gets worse, so they just made it super plain. Got it. Its a nice shade of green though.
  4. Interchangeable schemes I'm running for C Fixed
  5. HOT TAKE I think someone with a large truck will win.
  6. It's that beautiful time of year again, time to get mad at teams who didn't deserve a spot in the tournament and celebrate a (potentially) new champion of NCAA Men's College Basketball! Discuss the bracket, make predictions, talk about games and results here, anything! Just keep it related to the tournament. Join the Sim-Monsters ESPN Bracket Challenge group! You don't have to know anything about basketball to participate, its all in good fun! Make a bracket, add it to the group, and see how you stack up against others in this community! Brackets must be completed by Thursday, March 15 at Noon EST. You are limited to one bracket. Good luck! Group Link: http://games.espn.com/tournament-challenge-bracket/2018/en/group?groupID=2440686 Password: shootyhoops
  7. Yeah but that entire race was one of if not the best race of last season.
  8. Devin Doss Max-D Discord Name: Devin Doss ッ#1356
  9. Totally not a slightly updated version of a truck I made 2 years ago that I'm going to run this year.
  10. As a fellow Kahne fan, don't get your hopes up for a race and you won't get mad at drivers for stupid reasons. I don't like that he got shuffled out either, but that's restrictor plate racing. We'll go back to running solid 20th-25th again next week.
  11. For anyone wondering why Tom was shut off and not allowed to refire, here's why. https://www.facebook.com/deltondowker/videos/10156364836197576/ I've only ever worked arena shows, but in every meeting I've been in its made clear that as soon as chunks of dirt go into the crowd, you're done.
  12. Winning is pretty fun, eh?
  13. I always forget that I went stowed away in your luggage because of all those drugs you had in there.
  14. I can't not say this. Made it better that I was in one of the tunnels watching it happen.
  15. " Wahhh my niche hobby is getting more exposure by appearing in the mainstream and is building a bigger fanbase by having more exciting moments and a legitimate points championships on TV wahh."
  16. So Dirt is out. Let's post some dirt stuff. Like Jack and I in some Late Models:
  17. April 3, 2017 Hey friendos, been a while hasn't it? Everything still good with you guys? That's good. So SMRA is coming up or something so press releases and sh*t are something that I need to do or whatever. We at DJM & Friends Inc. are excited for an upcoming season of pure adrenaline, sadness, and overall waiting for the sweet release of death to embrace our souls. We don't know anything about what trucks are running with us at the moment so that's something to look forward to I guess. I guess that's it. OH YEAH, Mason and I are tired of Julio coming home smelling like actual NYC garbage, so we kicked him out. We had a great run, but Julio, you're more like a friend to us and we aren't ready for that kind of commitment yet. The J in DJM now stands for Jack because he knows how to treat us right and doesn't smell like actual trash. And he's the only Ten I See. Later friendos.
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