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Double.D ッ

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Everything posted by Double.D ッ

  1. People who talk too much. People who don't talk enough. People who are addicted to Counter Strike: Global Offensive (Joshua Micks) People who don't accept others for how they are. People who assume I'm a fan of Virginia Tech athletics just because I live 45 minutes away from Virginia Tech. People who insist that iOS is better than Android. People who claim to be car people, yet judge other people based on what they drive. People who hate Feld Motorsports. People who hate Independent promoters. People who assume that just because you enjoy music and marching band, you're not cool and it should be the least funded thing in high school. People who take sports way too seriously. People who try to talk about politics when they aren't even old enough to vote or aren't registered voters. People who complain endlessly about the government. People who think Barack Obama is the worst thing ever to happen to the United States. 99% of people from the southern United States. People who assume race/gender/sexuality determines everything. People who think just because they don't like something, that it should be illegal. People who claim their first amendment rights are being taken away, yet they are taking the first amendment away from others. People.
  2. Someone's going to look spiffy in 2015. And the return of the bodyless version: This won't be seeing the light of day until the beginning of SMRA next year, so there's still a lot I can add to it. And yes, those are train horns.
  3. From the DJM and Friends Inc. Headquarters in Chicago, Illinois: With Season 2 of SMRA Starting in a few months, DJM and Friends Inc. are looking to sell assets from Season 1 in preparation. Full Turn-Key truck formerly known as "King Air" Cohen Chassis that was extensively rebuilt after the SMRA World Finals. Only used for 6 shows. Only 2 roll-overs. Comes with: Goodyear Tires, ISP Seat, Four Optima Batteries, Beadlocked Rims, Coil-Over Suspension using King Shocks Naming rights ARE NOT included Price: $63,000. Willing to negotiate if needed. From the Deja Vu II truck: CRD Chassis only used for 1 season. Repairs made after the SMRA World Finals. ​Price: $19,000. Willing to negotiate if needed.​​ Nitrogen Shocks ​Price: $2,000 Other Items: Two (2) Ford Trophy Truck bodies. ​Price: $2,500 per body. SOLD 4 Sets of beadlocked rims. ​Price: $1,000 per set. Please contact either Myself (devindoss@hotmail.com) or Mason Watts (mighthesitate@gmail.com) on AIM if you are interested in any of these items.
  4. Well first off, you have to remember that these journalists decided on their own to go to the middle east and they knew the risks that came with it. No one sent them. Not Obama, not Joe Biden, not John Boehner, not Congress. What you think is right is your opinion. Conservative or not. You have to realize most if not all of these problems in that area of the world started long before Barack Obama was sworn in for the first time. Blaming everything on him just simply is not right. Do I support Obama? Yes. Do I disagree with some things he does? Yes. That's my opinion. You have yours.
  5. Hey, when you're a registered voter, then you can talk to me about politics. What you're saying is completely intolerant, and honestly, you're making yourself look like a joke. Why are you so worried about the government anyway? You said you don't pay taxes on your bamboo farm. As far as I know, your family doesn't pay it's part in this country. If anyone is in the wrong here, it's you.
  6. Yeah, because it's all Obama's fault.
  7. Something simple I came up with while I was bored. Based off of the famed P-40 Warhawk Fighter Plane used in WWII:
  8. I hate you all so much right now.
  9. It looks really eager to do something.
  10. Hnnnng. Mercedes SLS AMG Black Series.
  11. It only has that for people who use keyboard controls. Controller/Wheel is fine.
  12. Again, .39 is not a version that people will switch to most likely for leagues, since we found out the server issue. And as far as I know the only way to get rid of the hud is to get out of the truck, which isn't really useful when you want to drive a truck.
  13. For anyone into Jazz, this is a must listen:
  14. Some trucks will be fine with normal v4, but there will be some that don't show up with tires.
  15. Kinda old, but I was messing around with a breakable and Barbarian's body kinda just...melted on to the crowd.
  16. And now for my real first post in here... Buick's last muscle car. The GNX. Oh how I love you.
  17. That Celine Dion is awesome.
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