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Double.D ッ

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Everything posted by Double.D ッ

  1. File Name: Wildstyle File Submitter: Double.D File Submitted: 04 Aug 2014 File Category: V4 Customs I started this a while ago. Just finished it. Uh...here it is, I guess. Myself- Paint, export, etc. Kozak- Chassis, shocks John Dough- Original NEA chassis mesh Klayton- Tires, body Johan- Rims If I forgot you, sorry. Contact me and I will fix that. You do not need permission from me to run this truck. Feel free to run in any league or event that allows customs! Click here to download this file
  2. 483 downloads

    I started this a while ago. Just finished it. Uh...here it is, I guess. Myself- Paint, export, etc. Kozak- Chassis, shocks John Dough- Original NEA chassis mesh Klayton- Tires, body Johan- Rims If I forgot you, sorry. Contact me and I will fix that. You do not need permission from me to run this truck. Feel free to run in any league or event that allows customs!
  3. Better rims and better shocks. Look for this thing to be released sometime this week. As an added bonus, since I already have a custom truck to run in various leagues and whatnot, this will be an open custom. You will not need permission from anyone to run it.
  4. Couldn't sleep. Got bored. Decided to paint something. Updated this old thing to look cooler. Still not done.
  5. I hope you lose your orange jacket.
  6. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1601-excaliber-and-executioner-retro-mod/
  7. With the break up of CCR (We were all very emotionally devastated), a new team has been formed. Since we were all very hurt, we kept all of the same members except for 3. A couple of members are building brand new trucks, and more info will be given about those in the future. Our touring partners will be: Mason and Myself Julio and Zach Steele Tharindu and Aaron We hope to keep up the winning tradition that CCR had last season. See you on the track!
  8. As everyone in the modern world with the name will have already known, the name Devin is one of the highest and most prestigious of honors to have. To be named Devin, you will have the upmost respect of the peasants in the world who's parents didn't love them enough to call them Devin. Everywhere your child goes, she will instantly be the most badass motherlover in the room and/or area. With the name Devin, your child will automatically intimidate and/or eliminate any potential bullies that she may encounter during elementary, middle, and high school. Being given the name Devin will also insure that your child is always the center of entertainment, because she will have undeniable amounts of talent. Your child will also be able to persue any career she wants with ease, because employers will see the name of Devin on their resume and instantly say yes. Your child will also automatically come with the preloaded nickname of Double D if she so desires to chose to have one. According to recent studies by Harvard and other Ivy League professors, having the nickname "Double D" is known around the world to be "cool as poo" and "dope as love". Works Cited Me, because I'm the coolest motherlover on this side of the Virginia border. /paragraph I was never good in English (and I still am not).
  9. File Name: Lucas Oil Equalizer 2014 File Submitter: Double.D File Submitted: 28 Jul 2014 File Category: V4 Replica Since the Equalizer truck as changed over to the newest Silverado body, I figured this was the best chance to create my first replica paint. It's far from perfect, but I feel it's a nice stepping off point for more replicas from me. Credits: Myself- Everything with the main paint, flag textures. Daniel Donnelly- Literally piecing everything together, prop placement, exporting, truck file, suspension settings, LED lights. Johan Seminario- Headlight texture, rim model. Kozak- Chassis Klayton- Tires Chadwick Deerfoot- Pictures of logos I needed. Andrew Sheets- Body Joshua Micks- Bigger flag meshes. Also thanks to Aaron Lurie, Chadwick Deerfoot, Tharindu Don, and Klayton Halog for beta testing. If I forgot you in the credits, please let me know and I will be sure to change that. YOU WILL NEED BEAU4x4's SOUNDPACK!! Click here to download this file
  10. 1,064 downloads

    Since the Equalizer truck as changed over to the newest Silverado body, I figured this was the best chance to create my first replica paint. It's far from perfect, but I feel it's a nice stepping off point for more replicas from me. Credits: Myself- Everything with the main paint, flag textures. Daniel Donnelly- Literally piecing everything together, prop placement, exporting, truck file, suspension settings, LED lights. Johan Seminario- Headlight texture, rim model. Kozak- Chassis Klayton- Tires Chadwick Deerfoot- Pictures of logos I needed. Andrew Sheets- Body Joshua Micks- Bigger flag meshes. Also thanks to Aaron Lurie, Chadwick Deerfoot, Tharindu Don, and Klayton Halog for beta testing. If I forgot you in the credits, please let me know and I will be sure to change that. YOU WILL NEED BEAU4x4's SOUNDPACK!!
  11. But the internet told me that triangle=illuminatri.
  12. We've lost a member to the Illuminati. How could they.
  13. Not sure if I like the red/orange primary color for Killer Bee's body, but it still looks pretty cool nonetheless.
  14. I mean, Devin's a pretty legit name. Trust me, I have experience. Plus its a unisex name, so no matter if its a boy or a girl your child could the the dopest motherlover wherever he/she goes. And you'd be able to have your kid nicknamed Double D, and come on, who doesn't love that nickname. In all seriousness though, congrats on the decision to sober up and congrats on the child on the way.
  15. Devin Doss Crusader devindoss@hotmail.com Tharindu eats knobs.
  16. A few paint things still need to be done, but it's almost there. Thanks to the help of Donnelly, this thing has come to life and is looking spiffy. It also features better sized flags than those that were in V4 and before, thanks to Joshua Micks. After I'm done with the smaller things paint and mesh-wise, it'll be up for download next week. EDIT: Now with 100% more headlights, thanks to Johan Seminario.
  17. Eh, everything deserves a second chance. Devud Doss Figboot 19 devindoss@hotmail.com
  18. Holman's Beast is infact on a Holman Chassis
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