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Double.D ッ

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Everything posted by Double.D ッ

  1. Oh my god, I just realized this was Scott Stadium at UVA. I think I love you. *EDIT* Devin Doss Deja Vu II
  2. I like to change things up, okay? Yeah, Deja Vu II came out only a few months ago, but ever since I released it, the more and more I thought that it shouldn't have been named Deja Vu. When I first came up with the concept of Deja Vu, it was supposed to be a mix of old and new, which is why the original truck had the old paint with the newer body. I feel as if this truck more directly sums up what the concept was all about. And yes, the stripe design was inspired by the Rambo II leafer. To be released uh...whenever I feel like it I guess.
  3. Gonna go ahead and go out on a limb here and say you're full of it when talking about all of the events you've been to. Bamboo farm or not, you list off events that are just completely impractical for you to even have been at.
  4. You clearly said "Dad told me he and I went to these events."
  5. How do you not remember going to shows that happened 4, 6, and 7 years ago?
  6. That grill still just...seems a bit off to me. It's no big deal or anything, its just a bit...misshapen.
  7. Devin Doss devindoss@hotmail.com Deja Vu II Double D
  8. Devin Doss Destroyer devindoss@hotmail.com
  9. Dennis had a broken arm during WF4, so that's why Pablo stepped in, and Dennis was running 20 at WF12.
  10. I too had a lot of fun during the season. I never really expected to do much in the league, considering I don't do well in non-budget situations to begin with. Obviously I proved myself wrong, making it to the finals in racing twice, and winning 4 freestyles. Although all 4 of those wins happened to be ties, 3 of which being tied with Mark Colineri himself, who I never thought I would be the same caliber as. For the most part, all of my events were ran exceptionally well excluding one or two here and there. I think Mason described my entire season last night in the aim chat with "Devin will either kill it, or kill himself." Which is exactly how it played out all season. Obviously, you're nothing without a team behind you, so thanks to all the members of CCR Motorsports who I'm too lazy to type out, and especially Masud, the bestest travelling partner and friend someone could have. Also thanks to everyone who ran the league, again who I'm too lazy to list out, you guys are great. And Finally, thanks to Agosh, for even putting the league together at all. I never knew a budget league could actually be fun, but you managed to turn my opinion on that. Hope to see everyone in the upcoming shows and next season!
  11. Due to less than spectacular road conditions on the way to Denver, Deja Vu II's World Finals body was damaged beyond reasonable repair during transport. Luckily, the body that was ran during the regular season was already on the truck and suffered no apparent damages. Deja Vu II remains black and blue for Denver!
  12. Devin Doss devindoss@hotmail.com Bounty Hunter 2005
  13. You don't need a custom truck, but you will if you want to use a custom song. Replicas use the song they use in real events.
  14. If you really want to get your name out, you should probably use something that's more of a photo editor instead of Power Point. Try paint.net, I use it and its a great free alternative to spending money for Photoshop.
  15. Will be made for SSRS this year.
  16. RoosterTeeth/Achievement Hunter Nerd³ ADoseofBuckley Vsauce Drum Corps International TomSka DarkSquidge penguinz0 Criken2 12Medbe kurtjmac VintageBeef boogie2988 Theme Park Review CoasterForce PewDiePie (Only for Walking Dead, other videos not so much) And tons others.
  17. Samsung. I've tried my friend's iPhone 4S and an iPhone 5, just seems way too overpriced for what it offers. My S3 works fine for me. Only Apple product I own is my 4th gen iPod touch and the only thing I use it for is music.
  18. Agreed 100%. He actually brings excitement to the "booth".
  19. Does anyone really care what the surroundings look like? The track is fine and is replicated correctly, that's all that matters.
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