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Double.D ッ

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Everything posted by Double.D ッ

  1. From what I hear, Fiberwerx bodies are cheap. Plus, they look pretty cool in my opinion.
  2. I think we all know what the real question is here....how much is it to rent the side?
  3. (Sorry if this is a little TL;DR) A three show weekend here at the Roanoke Civic Center sure was an exciting one! The trucks featured were: Grave Digger driven by Randy Brown, AAP Grinder driven by John Seasock, Superman driven by Joey Parnell, El Toro Loco driven by Becky McDonough, Shock Therapy driven by Jeremy Brady, Ground Punder driven by Steven Hill, Mountaineer driven by R.B Moler, and Shockwave driven by Bill Braukman! Starting off with Friday evening. John Seasock in Grinder took the win in Wheelies with a 25. John also took the win in Racing, beating Randy Brown in Grave Digger. Randy would get his revenge in freestyle though, taking the win with a 24. Now on to Saturday afternoon. After an awesome pit party, the seats were filled and ready for another exciting show. Starting the show off, Joey Parnell wins the Wheelie Competition with a 25. Racing came down to Jeremy Brady in Shock Therapy and John Seasock in AAP Grinder, with John taking the win yet again. Freestyle brought some troubles for a couple of trucks, Joey Parnell in Superman suffering electrical issues, and Steven Hill in Ground Pounder suffering with battery issues. Randy Brown in Grave Digger would take the win with a 24. Lastly, Saturday evening. The trucks had cooled down enough and the Civic Center was again packed and ready for another great show! Joey Parnell in Superman again took the win in Wheelies with a 23. Racing came down to two big name trucks in the Monster Jam world, Grave Digger and Grinder. Randy Brown in Grave Digger would take the win over John Seasock in Grinder. Fans anxiously waiting for some off the hook freestyles got their wish! John Seasock took the win in AAP Grinder, scoring a 25. With FELD wanting to keep their title sponsor Advanced Auto Parts, they know they have to put on a good show here in a tiny arena in Roanoke, VA. Needless to say, they did not disappoint! (I should totally write show reviews for monster truck shows for a living. This was fun.)
  4. Yeah, the 2012 DA14 was of no danger to us. This is being thought of as a chunk that may have broken off of 2012 DA14 before it was at it's closest point to the Earth.
  5. Might have been too short for PACE's liking.
  6. Apparently those freestyles were cut from the final product of the WF1 tape because they were either too short or too boring. That's what I've been told.
  7. It's the criticism on the small things (that do actually matter) that helps make a product perfect or near perfect. And if the one person who told you isn't making trucks anymore because someone commented on a small thing that needed to be worked on, then they don't need to be making anything. Don't expect to make something and not get criticism on it.
  8. That's my hometown! Looking great, Edy. I appreciate you making it for me.
  9. So what? Atleast it's coming out.
  10. That was actually Chad Tingler. Dennis was in Indy. Also, you can tell if it's Dennis or not because Dennis has no wheelie bar and still runs green beadlocks.
  11. Throttle rhythm, throttle rhythm, throttle rhythm. That's all I can say.
  12. So in other words, it's basically a brand new v4?
  13. Ravens all the way. They've fought extremely hard to get this far and Ray Lewis deserves to get this for his retirement party .
  14. Plus, telling a Moderator to shut up. Not the smartest thing.
  15. It's Chapter Four by Avenged Sevenfold.
  16. Name: Devin Doss Driver's Name (Real Life): Randy Moore Truck: War Wizard AIM: devindoss@hotmail.com
  17. Is he still on the same chassis or did they get him a new one?
  18. Hopefully that means burning Zombie.
  19. Damnit, I just got used to putting 2012 on my papers...
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