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Everything posted by Block

  1. View File Fire Starter Decided to bring back this ole girl, BUT she has a new chassis. my best truck to date i love it and im so proud of it. Enjoy It! It is my ride for SMRA it is not an open custom. You must ask if you ever want to use it. Works in .4! Submitter Hyp Hop Hyp Hop Hypocrite Submitted 04/19/2017 Category V4 Customs
  2. After problems in the turns for Tom Meents in Team Meents he finds himself going into the mud as Dennis Anderson keeps it straight to win the racing here in Tampa!
  3. The Greatest rivalry in motor sports is about to be renewed! Its Grave Digger Dennis Anderson Vs. Tom Meents in Maximum Destruction in the finals!
  4. thanks man, i really wanted to bring back this truck just wasnt sure how i think its found a permanent home.
  5. Alright so here is the deal. i know you guys wanted me to do my remake of FireStarter on a concussion, BUT, it has found its final home in what could be the best work i have done in recent. now sporting a new Rage Chassis, FireStarter
  6. Alright, you guys have spoken and here is the first in game shots of the concussion, everyone please welcome back FireStarter! i do no about needing shock shafts and sway bars its no where near done this is kind of like a first draft
  7. Donald Epidendio in Titan slings it into some donuts under the night sky here in Galot!
  8. Okay Guys i need all of your opinions. i want to bring back an old custom but im not sure what chassis i want to use what looks better? Concussion Cohen This is without any work to the chassis so before everyone says i need to edge split i havent even done anything yet just want your guys opinion before i start
  9. thought i would try my share of screenshots, this is a heavy weight finals, Ryan Anderson in Son Uva Digger Vs. Chuck Werner in the El Toro Loco
  10. might as well post what looks to be me driving a digger, looks like a good fit right?
  11. il get this started! Coty in Monster Energy hitting the backflip successfully to keep going in freestyle!
  12. just a heads up could you delete the pictures when you quote something with pictures to not clutter the thread
  13. this have been over for a while now, read dates
  14. i happen to have made the version with the bowtie not finished but its getting there.
  15. really? what did everyone say when dennis did what he did at world finals 15 hmm? they said "oh if he landed that he would have had a sweet run" so if its digger its okay i guess? scott had massive air and you cannot tell me he would not had kept it up if his wheel didnt break hyp hop hyp hop hypocrite
  16. im sorry but i have to say no, scott hardsock is still a great driver and i still love his truck, no doubt if his wheel didnt break he probably would have had a great run here i mean look at the air! he isnt out of touch at all
  17. doesnt really look like it...... looks the same
  18. Long post incoming, i have been uploading alot lately
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