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Everything posted by Block

  1. i enjoy the flag, and i have already uploaded it, im sorry to disappoint, just liked the flag on it
  2. View File Takin' It Easy After all the hard work i put into this truck and after 2 chassis changes its finally ready. i want to shout out a big thanks to chadwick for the paint on this body it looks amazing im not good with the descriptions on these downloads but i like to thank everyone who made parts that went on this truck. Not an open custom, you can ask for permission but i will more than likely be using it. Also it is stand alone for .4 it now has 4 wheel drive Enjoy! Submitter Ray Billings Submitted 09/21/2016 Category V4 Customs
  3. alright this is done, and im very happy with how it turned out, i finally got a shock set up on it that i like
  4. BattleBots for the win, i am a tombstone fan all the way
  5. thats the point, it looks better with white walls, me and chad were going with a laid back theme
  6. here it is, my new custom, i kept it kinda on the down low until it was done, but its here! please welcome my new custom for chads league Takin' It Easy!
  7. is it okay to switch to dennis andersons 19?
  8. thats not grinder bud, its my custom
  9. that means ur saying chads painting skills is bad
  10. the only thing you get to see until its 100% ready.
  11. why? they look fine plus they look the same on the original truck
  12. eh why not im not doing anything il take a shot at grinder
  13. i said just the other day i would love to see an updated t-maxx and then you make this, good job sir
  14. Great as always Rock!, i have always enjoyed ur work from day one keep it up!
  15. Block


    well no its not that, you gave credit to the people who made v4, everything he "makes" he steals and calls it his own
  16. Block


    lol, thats all i have to say, he steals work but im not going to argue he brainwashed you too, lol good luck trying to gett his trucks to be liked or him for that matter but it wont happen
  17. Block


    yea we dont mention his channel on here at all because he doesnt make anything he says he does ferns rage is way better because fern started from scratch please dont mention series channel on here he is hated for a reason, not trying to sound rude but its true
  18. on ps4, hit me up we could play MaxDFan24 (yes i know i couldnt think of a better username)
  19. the season version should be more bright, other than that the diggers look good
  20. thanks for giving me credit for the pics i appreciate it...............
  21. it isnt a short wheel based truck, sorry to disappoint but it will probably be my longest wheel based custom
  22. no this is not digger, but i did go to the dennis anderson school of seat mods for my next custom, this is not finished just got a base line down
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