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Everything posted by Block

  1. yes! please i would love to make park patrol as well
  2. Coming back to a project i started a while ago a few things noted i need new rims and tires but yea starting to work on it again
  3. not really digging the Z over the R, but colors are good
  4. i am just never really had that big of track layout never got around to building more going to have to start back up.
  5. i wasnt even being mean i just didnt know how well he knew his chassis plus 95% of the people on sm are straight savage anyway
  6. does that look like a digger chassis?
  7. if you wanted it to be a replica it wouldnt use bkt tires
  8. oh fun another person who thinks series should be on this site, if you were here in the past you would know
  9. started a new custom, more info soon to come
  10. ah thank you just noticed that thank you, il get to working on the new one
  11. hey thats okay bud, glad you like it im trying something new
  12. yea, actually Lupe's chassis is a cohen this year
  13. il lower it a bit, but the real truck doesn't sit that low
  14. well, julian wanted me to redo this truck and so i did because why not, just a work in progress but its looking very nice at the moment.
  15. that thing sits pretty high there bud, look at the four link bars....
  16. Starting something new, not a bad start still got much much more to do but so far so good.
  17. Block

    Crusader 2016

    great truck honestly it really is, only a few issues, when i spawn in game the axles,shock shafts and headers are white,and i have no sway bars or sway bar links other than that solid truck
  18. il get the defibrillator,and a 14.99 steam game
  19. "These are on a place holder truck so yes, I know they are on the wrong chassis"
  20. okay im done, i get every detail but eff it all make ur own god damn trucks
  21. because im not like mark,johan or fern, i cant make trucks as good as them by my standerds good is good enough for me
  22. that wasnt construction criticism that was being an a hole but i dont really care i know 32 looks good
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