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Everything posted by mudtrucks-rule

  1. when i can get somje pics of my wk body its busted up and the new body i just painted its a bounty i custom paited blue and black but i cant post my pics its a starter rc four me ,my project for this is brushless motor ,gotta fix spur gear,new tires rear steer and up grade to aluminum then i will sell it and try to get a clod
  2. how do u connect it two pc if thats possible i just do that
  3. i am saving up for one and wanted to know what would be a good one and how much
  4. rachet and clank collection,need for speed most wanted,laptop,500 gig ps3 $25 itunes and psn card
  5. tristan skyles truck shock threapy age 15 august i dont have much to say been playing ror since 2010 been online since january 2011 i like ror it awsome
  6. a mud hole ,semi 18 foot tall ramp with semi trailer
  7. monster trucks with flat track tires

  8. there is dirt track races every where and as far as i know they still have trucks at some
  9. saw them live in june or july it was awsome art of dying and evanecence as well
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