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Everything posted by Metallica530

  1. Ouch, bet the rear shocks are non existent in that truck anymore. Also, was that a double in the first scene?
  2. Looking great guys! Rock, I assume some of the detail stuff such as the port-potties will be non-colideable to save lag? Another thing I'm noticing is the turn into the thunder ally. On worldfinals' track, it was really tight, is it roughly at that same angle in real life.
  3. Pretty good if your a Ken Block/Tanner Foust fan. The rally races are pretty cool, just point A to point B time trials. Gymkhana is freakin sweet, but in a nutshell it's more of a mini game if you will, least in my opinion.
  4. I second this! Always loved the old green/blue/purple paint it ran.
  5. Name: Leadfoot530 Games: Dirt 3 GTA 4 GT 5 (Funny how the numbers went in order,,,) MW3 Rocksmith NTG: Inside Line Think thats it.
  6. Ah, I see now. Moving slow but it is moving. Appreciate the hand.
  7. I recently downloaded the Ragin' Steel World Finals 2 truck, then I extracted it as usual. I then put it into the RoR vehicals folder, but when I went to use it, it gave me the RoR Error 6 page. After some asking around, I heard it's supposed to go into a .V4 file or something? Tryed going to my packs and found the smV4 folder, but when I tried putting both the full truck folder, and the extracted files into it, it brought up a box saying compressing, and the loading bar-type thing wasn't moving. If anyone has a step by step explination for me, it would really help me out. At least point me in the right direction here, I get confused easily.
  8. Mine always works for about 5 minutes. Overheats my iPod, then crashes.
  9. Good point Outlawed. Perhaps a stipulation on say wins or events won. Maybe this could work: Say ORL runs an event and 35 guys try to make it in, and the 20th fastest do. Perhaps the 15 that didn't get in could possibly run a "No Show Event". (Starting to see how this would turn into a normal league in months.)
  10. I've been running in ORL for the past few weeks and it's great fun bring able to compete but, I can never seem to make it into anything no matter how fast I drive the truck. This left me with an idea. I'm still pretty new here, and I absolutly love cometition, in a fun way, if I can ever get into it. So, what if there was a league where all the young guns of Sim Monsters could battel it out? Lets cace it, nobody likes racing a Colinari or ARF or anyone whos been around for awhile, because they almost surely get knocked out in the blink of an eye. I feel this "Young Guns League" would give the new guys a sense of actual compotition other than the generic CIFPO fun run. And maybe, this could even be taped to help get some of these up and coming guys get their names out there. Just my own idea that I think would work really well. Any suggestions or constructive criticism on this topic is encouraged, and I hope a few of you at least will see this as I do.
  11. Im looking back at testing at Daytona, and the Toyotas are looking really strong. That being said, i am a Rowdy fan, so i would like to see Kyle win one. He got the shootout last year and, look at it, he won while sliding sideways! He knows how to drive these things, and in my opinion hes still searching for that one huge win.
  12. Remembered when my mom cut her finger open on glass, but this is a heck of alot worse. Hope everything goes well for him. PS. Painkillers will become his best friend, almost positive.
  13. John those look great! I really like that Desert Storm truck. Never relized how well a Hummer body and a chassis could work so well together.
  14. Just a question on my end here. Since there will be many changes, will these still run with the current trucks now? There may be some trucks in the pack now that I would like to keep, and I don't want to throw myself in a competitive rut here.
  15. one word: OVERKILL! With all seriousness with the backflips, just place one in the middle jump like at Wf10, Then, put a big air ramp on the other. Kills two birds with one stone.
  16. I'm learing more and more about this thing every day! It just keeps getting better and better!!!
  17. Woah woah woah, you can adjust the time of day in-game?
  18. Almost indefinitely sure. I'm sure a car pad like the one that was used at the first AME just bigger would work. Not as much lag.
  19. Looks really nice for a first try. Liking the simple striped paint scheme. If you ever get a chance, try out cooltext. Should be cooltext.com, but i'm not quite sure. Anyhow, I make a lot of my texts on there, and I could see a few being used for your truck. Someone needs to make crush cars with real paint on them, and not just one color, so we can fill the parking lot with 'em. Aside from the lag, that could be really fun to bash over them all at once.
  20. Sorry for getting a but off-topic here but, does anyone know if runt9's still doing truck requests? I'd be more than happy to build one myself, if I only knew how to use blender. That and, I don't want to sound like a 5 year old saying "Hey can u build a truk for me?" If you know what i'm saying.
  21. Hah, as long as you land square on the chassis you should be alright. May take some time though. Always love your tracks rock, and i'm also liking that skybox. As for everyone else, projects are looking great! Keep up the good work, and I shall be checking the Downloads page often.
  22. That has to be one of the coolest ideas i've seen on here to date!!! Now, add a ramp hitting the scorboard from the side, so we can turn it into a rail-grind. Haha, looking really good so far.
  23. Least now they aren't. Back in the day, they used to have huge changes in track all over the states and in Europe, but now, no matter where you go, they all look the same. Only difference in them now is either painting designs, or track venue courses, say oval, to the Phoenix style tracks.
  24. Looks really good. Think the shocks need a bit more of a "Springy" feel if ya know what I mean, since Meent's truck seems to have a lot of awkward landing.
  25. I honestly hope they bring some sort of bus jump back. They say these trucks can take more and more every year, but the ramps seem to be getting smaller and smaller. Also like to see the middle ramp from WF 11 again, but maybe throw a motorhome in It, eh?
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