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Everything posted by NavySonicShell

  1. The difference between the mud trucks and the monster trucks are pretty much the same difference between a monster truck with Travel Tires, and a monster truck on 66's (obviously the travel tires are way smaller than the mud truck tires though) So I don't really get why they are so "different." This all being said, the only reason I posted mine on here and not the non-monster trucks one was because I had two projects to show off, and I thought it'd be easier to just throw in the 20 minute re-skin of the mud truck as a side note to a Volvo Trophy Truck instead of making two separate posts not right after each other.
  2. EDIT: sorry OBS recorded the sounds all blegh
  3. You need to extract all the files from that download into your SMV4 when you install it, then clear/regen and it should work.
  4. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1271-edy-beltran-v4-updates/ That is the only place to download the Scooby Doo Truck.
  5. Guys, I'm actually FELD, and I can leak that the racing layout will involve 5 truck racing in a St. Louis-Jersey-Chicago-Cross over-PENDA Drag-long Jump Time trial. Freestyle will be completely revamped to include 9 back-flip ramps and just one throw-car. All the feld trucks will be put into a car compactor as the changes take place as Bigfoot 1, The Monster Vette, Monster Mash, Taurus, USA-1, Aces High, Shotgun Harry, Michigan Ice Monster, Terminator, Rambo, Wild Hair, Mad Dog, Alien, Wild Stang, Texas Toy, and Casper Pull out onto the track to do TWO FREESTYLE COMPETITIONS!!! At this point Monster Jam as we know it will be over and officially renamed Massive Leafers Doing Massive Back-flips. In all seriousness. Thank God the track isn't the same as every other track. Looks like it'll be a good show.
  6. Just found my latest(?) post in this thread, it needs quite an update. Grayslake County Fair: 2003 Sportdrome Speedway monster truck show 2005ish Freedom Hall: 2007 2009 2010 (Easily one of my favorite events) 2012 2013 World Finals 12 Indianapolis Jamboree: 2012 Lucas Oil Stadium: 2013 Badlands UMC: 2013 KFC Yum! Center: 2014 Sub Total: 12 Planned for this year: Badlands UMC IV Indianapolis Jamboree Indianapolis Fairgrounds Monster Nationals... thing
  7. If you've had multiple people tell you to stop doing something, did you ever think of, I don't know, stopping?
  8. Didn't you literally just make a thread about this? Yes, you did http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/topic/6963-bigfoot/ In there you were told multiple times it isn't happening. What's the deal with a new one?
  9. He definitely has the old one at the World Finals Looked through the rest of Team Scream, didn't see any chassis that look like the one from Lima, so I guess it's recently rebuilt. It was redone before Mansfield, I can tell that much. Before Lima (shown prior in thread) Before Monsters on the Beach A hello from Montreal In Tuscon he was on Mega-Bite's chassis, and before that was the World Finals. TL;DR: New Cradle built after the World Finals it would seem.
  10. It looks like a reworked cradle but nothing more. inb4 Kozak with his mega chassis wisdom comes in and reks us all.
  11. Keep in mind the ps3 and 360 have significantly lower amounts of power than an average pc today. The ps3 has 256mb of RAM, and the same for VRAM. The 360 has a mere 512mb of RAM, but I don't know about VRAM. Their processors are the only real redeeming factor, the 360 has a 3.2 ghz tri-core, and the ps3 has some weird architecture that I don't understand.. The game will be graphically improved being for next gen/PC, but even if you can't run at high settings, you can turn it down to how it looks on the last gen consoles and I would imagine it would run pretty well. But I guess we'll wait and see.
  12. Kek. My PC is faster than these "next gen" machines. Edit: On a serious note, the PC version will be coming out with a Video editor to make movies and stufh's. So that should be fun.
  14. MFW New projects. Mud truck because I didn't want to make two separate posts, It has no name other than the NVS Mud Truck. This is Need For Swede, the front clip is that of a Volvo 850. I know I did an awful job of blending it to the body, but shut up. Wheeeeeee
  15. Here's what's becoming of the old Bad Habit. I like it, but I'm a hopeless fan-boy so take that with a grain of salt.
  16. NO ONE CAN SEND YOU THE (Matt made me redact this word) TRACK, IT IS NOT DONE. Seriously though, you're being extremely selfish and needy by constantly begging for the track as though the person making it has nothing else to do.
  17. Calm down, it's a small, 3 obstacle arena, in a game. You have already managed to lose a lot of respect by constantly demanding Aaron to work on the track, and if I were you I would just wait to ask for it again until it is in the downloads section, because only then will it be done.
  18. We can't if it isn't done. Stop freaking out.
  19. Stop listening to Matt, I don't know why after he's lied to you multiple times you still think he's telling the truth.
  20. Mason Watts mighthesitate@gmail.com Need for Swede The Volvo-Driving Soccer Mom
  21. I like this thread. I want it back. To contribute, we recently picked me up a new (used) 2000-2001 (the seller... kinda... didn't know) Polaris Trailboss 325 Man that picture sucks. You can also see my mom's Camry, and my dad's '05 Polaris Trailblazer 250. EDIT: Yeah, this is the one with the wasp nest in the storage thing, It's dead, but I don't really want to open the flap to get it out...
  22. Team Silver (By my calculations) has $114,034 to waste now.
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